EDIFICE Inquiry - Read History View

Use the Read History view to view the reading history at a glance for a location and quickly find the information and answers that you need.  Usage charts generated from the readings provide a visual presentation of the readings.  If readings are filtered the usage chart is updated to reflect only the selected readings.  If a device has been changed out the reading history from the changed out connection is included for an accurate picture of the reading history.  Read history can be printed or emailed to the customer.  The email function offers a way for customers to receive read history information electronically.  If the customer requests all read history, 10 most recent readings or readings from the current year you can filter the list and then the email will only include what is in the list along with a usage chart.  You can add informational readings or modify historical readings here as well.

Note:  The email function requires a template type called ReadHistoryReportEmail to be set up.  For more information, see Inquiry - Email.



From the EDIFICE Inquiry, click View and then click Read History.  

EDIFICE Inquiry - Read history View Example:


EDIFICE Inquiry - Read History View Prompts

Organize Read History

Location read history displays in a grid view.  Columns of information can be added or removed using the settings , which allows you to choose the columns to display.


Sort Information

To sort, simply click the desired column heading.  To sort in descending order, click the column heading a second time.


To limit the read history to those that meet certain criteria, click Filter next to the desired column heading.  The available filter choices display.  Here is an example of usage type filters, which you can use to look for a specific types of usage.

To select the choices to use as criteria, click to check the desired box or boxes and then, click OK.

Note:  Advanced filtering options are available by clicking Text Filters.


To organize readings by a specific column heading such as usage type or reference, drag the column heading to the box above the grid.  For example, to group the readings, drag the column heading for usage type to the grouping box above the columns.  To ungroup, drag the column heading from the grouping box to the grid.

Grouping Box:

Read History Tools

Print Report

To generate a report of the readings in the grid and an accompanying usage chart, click Print Report.  The report will display in the Print View window and can be printed or saved from there.

Email Report

To email read history information to the customer email address, click Email Report.  The information that can be emailed can include all history, or if you filter the readings, for example to only include up to 10 most recent history readings or current year readings only the selected readings will be included in the email.

After clicking Email Report, the send email window opens with a system generated email that includes the selected read history and a usage chart.  For directions, see Enhanced Inquiry - Emails.

Tip:  When an email is sent to the customer, it is recorded in the Timeline view for the customer.

Add Informational Reading

To add an informational reading to history for this location, click Add Informational Reading.  The added reading will not affect usage calculations.  For directions, see the Modify Reading step.

Modify Last Billed Reading

To modify a reading, first click to highlight the desired reading and then click Modify Last Billed Reading.  For directions, see the Modify Reading step below.

Modify Reading Step



To enter or modify a reading:

1.  Choose the device for which the reading will be modified.

2.  Enter the present read date.

3.  Enter the reading value or usage.

4.  Select the type of reading.

5.  Select the reason for entering or editing the reading.

6.  Enter a reference.

7.  Click Save to complete your changes.

Right-click Options

To see additional options, right-click.  Below is an example.

Modify Read History

To modify a reading, click to highlight the reading and then right-click and select Modify Read History.  Then, follow the Modify Reading Step above.

Use the following functions to:

  • To expand all rows in the grid, click Expand All.

  • To collapse all rows in the grid, click Collapse All.

  • To copy the information highlighted in the selected rows, click Copy.

These functions can be handy for further manipulating or formatting the data or sending copies to coworkers.  In addition, Print and Print Preview functions are available.  

  • To begin printing a list of the items, click Print.  The Print dialog opens.

  • To print to the Print Preview window, click Print Preview.

  • - To create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from the selected information, click Save as Excel.  This can be handy if you want to further manipulate the report data.  Then, follow the normal Windows® save procedure listed below.

  • - To create a PDF document from the selected information, click Save as PDF.  Then, follow the normal Windows® save procedure listed below.

  • - To create a Microsoft Word document from the selected information, click Save as Word.  This can be handy if you want to change the heading or print the report on letterhead.  Then, follow the normal Windows® save procedure listed below.

The Windows Save As steps:

  • At the Save In field, navigate to the desired location.

  • At the File Name field, enter a file name.

  • The Save as Type is set based on the Save as selected:

  • Excel document to save as an Excel file.

  • PDF to save as a PDF document.

  • Word Document to save as a Word document.

  • Click Save .