Bill Entry - Billing Run Window

The billing run window displays each time you start up or open Bill Entry.  As the first step during Bill Entry you enter a billing run code and confirm or edit the default billing information and to group customers together for processing.  Billing run information includes book numbers, company numbers, cycle numbers, days in cycle, billing frequency and the service from and to dates, discount date and prorating date, if applicable.  The billing run information determines which accounts are included in the billing run.  Only customers with book numbers, company numbers and cycle codes that match the billing run are included.




To display the Bill Entry - Billing Run window, click Bill Entry from the toolbar.

Bill Entry - Billing Run Window Example:


Billing Run Record Window Prompts


Billing Run

Enter a billing run ID to identify the billing run and press [ENTER] or click Retrieve . (up to 8 characters)


  • To search for a billing run ID, click or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new billing run ID, click or press [CTRL + o].

Book Number

Cycle Number

Days in Cycle

Billing Frequency

The information in the following 6 fields is display-only and can not be edited at this time.  To edit, use Billing Run Code Maintenance.

  • Displays the book number for the billing run.

  • Displays the cycle number for the billing run.

  • Displays the number of days in the billing run cycle.

  • Displays the number of times per year customers in the billing run are billed.

  • Billing Frequencies:

    1 - annual, 2 - semi-annual, 4 - quarterly, 12 - monthly

Verify the Following Dates:

Service From Date

The service from date which is the date of the prior reading displays, but it can be edited, if needed. (mmddccyy)

Service To Date

The service to date which is the date of the present reading displays, but it can be edited if needed. (mmddccyy)

Discount Date

The date the discount period ends displays, if applicable.  This can be edited if needed. (mmddccyy)


  • Enter a date that is up to, but not including the date the discount is no longer offered.

  • Leave blank, if you do not offer discounts to customers.

Prorate Bills?

To pro-rate bills because of a rate change, click Yes in the drop-down list.
 You can enter a cut off date.

To prevent pro-rating because there is no rate change during the billing run, click No in the drop-down list.

Cut Off Date

Enter the date the billing rate changes take effect. (mmddccyy)

Note:  This field is only active if Prorate Bills? is set to Yes.

To continue if your entries are correct, click Proceed.

Note:  After you click Proceed, the Bill Entry window displays and you are ready to call up the first account.  For directions to load customers, click here.

Or, to cancel the billing run window and close Bill Entry, click Close.

Other Bill Entry Topics