Cash Receipts Entry - Cash Receipts Transaction Detail Auto Distribution Mode

Use the Cash Receipts Transaction Detail Auto Distribution Mode to automatically generate the cash receipts transaction details for each customer.  Using this mode, Edifice can determine the Total Proof Amount and then generate a cash receipts transaction for each Transaction Code in the customer's cash receipts transaction profile (seen in the Transaction Code List area) until the Total Proof Amount is reduced to zero.

Note:  If you are printing endorsements on checks and the customer pays by check, you will need to edit each generated transaction and enter the Check Number.  For directions to edit a generated transaction if necessary, see Editing Transactions in Cash Receipts Entry.


To generate cash receipts transactions:

1.  Enter the Customer Account in the Customer Entry Area.

2.  Accept the Total Proof Amount displayed.

The Proof Type Application Option must be set to Auto Distribution, for the Total Proof Amount to be calculated automatically from the customer's Total Balance.

If the Proof Type Application Option is set to Manual, you must enter the Total Proof Amount.

3.  Click Auto Dist. or press [ENTER].

4.  Review the generated cash receipts transactions displayed in the Transactions Detail List at the bottom of the Cash Receipts Entry window.

5.  When you are satisfied that the generated transactions are correct, click Commit List .

 If the customer pays by check, you can edit each generated transaction to enter the Check Number, if applicable.

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