Reverse Check

Use the Reverse Check wizard to reverse a check that was entered and posted as a payment for a customer account.  The wizard will only create the offsetting entries.  To update the customer account with the reversed check amount you must run the Cash Receipts Post as a separate step after finishing the wizard.  Then, the customer account is updated.


Note:  This wizard can only be used if a check number was entered during Cash Receipts Entry or Quick Cash Entry.



To reverse a check:


1.  At Quick Launch enter Reverse Check.  Then select Reverse Check from the list.
Or, go to Daily Work --> Cash Receipts --> Utilities --> Reverse Check.


2.  The following screen displays:





7.  Generate the Cash Receipts Journal to prove your work and verify the entries are correct.

At Quick Launch enter Cash Receipt and then select Edit Journal.  The following screen displays:

Verify the journal totals are correct.


8.  Run the Cash Receipts Post to update the customer account with the reversed check amount.  A copy of the posting total is saved to report history for a complete audit trail.

At Quick Launch enter Cash Receipt and then select Post.  The following screen displays.