Move Open Transactions
Use the Move Open Transactions routine to move customer billing transactions between the Billing Transaction file (live file) and Open Transactions Billing file. You may choose the direction that you wish to move transactions in (live to open or open to live) and you can choose to move transactions for an individual customer. Transactions will be merged if they exist in both the open and live files. If you select to move from the Billing Transaction file to the Open Transactions file, Edifice prompts you to recalculate usage and rates as the accumulated usage may be higher and require a different rate. This routine uses the tran_tot, tran_det, open_tot, and open_det files.
If transactions for a customer exist in both the Billing and Open Transaction files, they will be merged, the usage will be accumulated if applicable and the rates adjusted accordingly.
Only use this routine with the direction of NDS Technical Support.
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