Check Register Sample

The A/P Check Register lists the details of the A/P Checks that were printed. There are four versions or formats for the Check Register as shown below.



AP Check Register Version 1 - Check Number Summary

Tip:  To see descriptions of the report fields, click More.


Check Register - Version 1 - Check Number Summary  Fields

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Check Number

Number of the printed check


Vendor number and vendor name

Date Paid

A/P Check Date printed on the check


Accumulated dollar amount of all checks for the vendor

Register Totals Summary

Total Not Prepaid

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks written

Total Prepaid

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks that were prepaid

Grand Total

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks processed during the A/P check run

Tip: The Grand Total dollar amount should equal the Total Not Prepaid amount and the Total Prepaid amount.



Selection Parameters for this Report Sample:

Sort Selection = 1.  Check Number - Summary



AP Check Register Version 2 - Check Number - Detail

Tip:  To see descriptions of the report fields, click More.


Check Register - Version 2 - Check Number Detail Fields

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Vendor #

Vendor number

Vendor Name

Vendor name

Check #

Number of the printed check

Invoice Date

Date of the invoice

Invoice #

Number of the invoice being paid

Gross Amount

Gross dollar amount for the check


Deduction amounts for the check

Check Amt

Check dollar amount

Register Totals Summary

Total Prepaid

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks that were prepaid

Tip: All prepaid checks print first with the accumulated prepaid dollar amount printing at the end of the prepaid checks.

Total Not Prepaid

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks not prepaid

Grand Total

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks processed during the A/P check run

Tip: The Grand Total dollar amount should equal the Total Not Prepaid amount and the Total Prepaid amount.



Selection Parameters for this Report Sample:

Sort Selection = 2.  Check Number - Detail



AP Check Register Version 3 - Check Detail with Account Number

Tip:  To see descriptions of the report fields, click More.


Check Register - Version 3 - Check Detail with Account Number Fields

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Vendor #

Vendor number

Vendor Name

Vendor name

Check #

Number of the printed check

Invoice Date

Date of the invoice

Invoice #

Number of the invoice being paid

Gross Amount

Gross dollar amount for the check


Deduction amounts for the check

Check Amt

Check dollar amount

Account #

The G/L Account Number or the Appropriations Account Number the check amount is distributed to

Register Totals Summary

Total Prepaid

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks that were prepaid

Tip: All prepaid checks print first with the accumulated prepaid dollar amount printing at the end of the prepaid checks.

Total Not Prepaid

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks not prepaid

Grand Total

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks processed during the A/P check run

Tip: The Grand Total dollar amount should equal the Total Not Prepaid amount and the Total Prepaid amount.



Selection Parameters for this Report Sample:

Sort Selection = 3.  Check Detail with Account Number



AP Check Register Version 4 - Account Number

Tip:  To see descriptions of the report fields, click More.


Check Register - Version 4 - Account Number Fields

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Account #

The G/L Account or the Appropriations Account and the account description the check amount is distributed to

Invoice Date

Vendor Number

Invoice #

Invoice Number

Dist Amount

Dollar amount for the portion of the invoice

Check #

Number of the printed check


Check dollar amount

Vendor #

Vendor number

Vendor Name

Vendor name

Account Total

The G/L Account or the Appropriations Account the check amount is distributed to

Register Totals Summary

Total Not Prepaid

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks not prepaid

Total Prepaid

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks that were prepaid

Grand Total

Accumulated dollar amount of all checks processed during the A/P check run

Tip: The Grand Total dollar amount should equal the Total Not Prepaid amount and the Total Prepaid amount.


Selection Parameters for this Report Sample:

Sort Selection = 4.  Account Number



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