View Menu

The View menu contains commands for starting the most commonly used programs in the software module.


View Menu Items

Vendor Master FM

Maintains information about companies or persons who sell to your facility.

Keyboard shortcuts:[ALT] [v] [v], [CTRL + v]

Appropriations Master FM

Maintains information about the appropriation accounts.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [CTRL + a]

Purchase Order Entry

Maintains information about the purchases your facility has made.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [CTRL + o]

Standard Invoice Entry

Maintains information about the goods and services your facility has received.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [CTRL + s]

Revenue Master

Maintains information about the revenues your facility has.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [CTRL + r]

Appropriation Inquiry

Allows inquiries about the appropriation accounts.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [CTRL + q]


View reports and queries on your data.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [CTRL + i]