WebHelp - Printing Topics
To print a WebHelp topic, use one of the methods described below.
Tip: The procedures may slightly differ from these directions according to your version of Internet Explorer.
To see directions for using the...
Shortcut Menu (right mouse button) method, click More.
1. Left-click
inside the topic you want to print.
Note: Before
printing a topic displayed in WebHelp, you must first click in the right
viewing pane to select
the topic. If
not, you might unintentionally print the contents, index, or search criteria
in the left viewing pane. Unfortunately,
WebHelp gives no visual cue that the topic is selected.
2. To display the shortcut menu, right-click.
3. Click Print.
4. If
prompted, confirm the printer options, and then click the Print
Tip: For
topics containing large graphics, such as report samples, the landscape
option may provide the best results.
icon method,
click More.
1. Left-click
inside the topic you want to print.
Note: Before
printing a topic displayed in WebHelp, you must first click in the right
viewing pane to select
the topic. If
not, you might unintentionally print the contents, index, or search criteria
in the left viewing pane. Unfortunately,
WebHelp gives no visual cue that the topic is selected.
2. Click
the print icon on the WebHelp Toolbar.
This method prints to your default Windows printer defined during Printer Setup.
If the print icon does not appear, activate the Standard Buttons Toolbar (View menu, Toolbars, click Standard Buttons so the check mark appears).
File menu method, click More.
1. Left-click
inside the topic you want to print.
Note: Before
printing a topic displayed in WebHelp, you must first click in the right
viewing pane to select
the topic. If
not, you might unintentionally print the contents, index, or search criteria
in the left viewing pane. Unfortunately,
WebHelp gives no visual cue that the topic is selected.
2. Click File from the WebHelp Menu Bar.
3. Click Print.
4. If prompted, confirm the printer options, and then click the Print button.
Print Preview method, click More.
1. Left-click
inside the topic you want to print.
Note: Before
printing a topic displayed in WebHelp, you must first click in the right
viewing pane to select
the topic. If
not, you might unintentionally print the contents, index, or search criteria
in the left viewing pane. Unfortunately,
WebHelp gives no visual cue that the topic is selected.
2. Click File from the WebHelp Menu Bar.
3. Click Print Preview. You will see a preview of both the left and right viewing panes.
4. In the drop-down box that defaults to As laid out on screen, click Only the selected frame. The preview window changes to display the right viewing pane only, which contains the topic you selected.
5. Click Print from the Menu Bar.
6. If prompted, confirm the printer options, and then click the Print button.