XML Print 1099 Forms Instructions

Use the XML Print 1099 Forms Instructions to print the vendor 1099 forms.  NDS recommends that you print the 1099s on plain paper before printing the actual 1099 forms to verify that the 1099 information is correct.  If you find errors, you can use the 1099 Workfile Maintenance routine to make corrections before printing the actual forms.



 Warning:  The 1099 Codes do not match the box numbers for the associated amounts on the printed 1099 forms.

Fund Accting
1099 Code

1099 Form Box Number

01 - Nonemp Cmp

7 - Nonemployee compensation

02 - Rents

1 - Rents

03 - Przs, Awds...

3 - Other Income

04 - Med/Health

6 - Medical and health care payments

05 - Royalties

2 - Royalties

06 - Sub Pymts

8 - Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest

07 - Fishng Boats

5 - Fishing boat proceeds

08 - Crop Ins

10 - Crop insurance proceeds

09 - Fed Tax W/H

4 - Federal income tax withheld

10 - State Tx W/H

16 - State tax withheld


9 - Payer made direct sales...


11 - blank


12 - blank


13 - Excess golden parachute payments


14 - Gross proceeds paid to an attorney



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