Daily Cash-Up Procedure

The Finance Director or bookkeeper usually determines a time in the late afternoon to cash-up for the day, for example 4:00 P.M.  The cash-up procedure takes approximately 10 - 15 minutes.  Follow the steps below to complete the cash-up procedure.


1.  At the designated time, suspend processing for all registration transactions using the wizards and stop entering any cash adjustments.

2.  Or, to continue entering vehicle receipt transactions while the daily cash-up is in progress, move to the next day receipts mode by clicking Tools on the menu bar and then, clicking Set Next Day Mode.  Until the cash-up is complete, you can process all registration transactions using the Next Day Receipts mode.
Important:  If you want the cash-up corrections to appear in today's journal, do not switch to Next Day Mode; instead simply suspend entering vehicle receipts transactions until the cash-up is completed.  However, many municipalities save time by bundling the corrections in with the next day's receipts business.

3.  Print the Vehicle Receipts Print Journal.

4.  Reconcile the journal with the cash drawers.

5.  Run the Vehicle Receipts Post routine.

6.  If you used the Next Day Receipts Mode when the Vehicle Receipts Post is complete, print the Vehicle Receipt Print Journal for a list of the next day entries that were moved to the Vehicle Receipts Transaction file.
 Although this can be done any time after the Vehicle Receipts Post, this step is often done the next morning.