Vehicle Receipts Post
Use the Vehicle Receipts Post to update various Motor Vehicle Registration files including the motor vehicle history file, the vehicle master file, the Fee Codes, the Class Codes, and the General Ledger Journal file with the vehicle registration transactions. This includes all transactions entered with any of the transaction wizards and the next day transactions that were transferred to the regular receipts file during the previous Vehicle Receipts Post. In addition, a Vehicle Receipts Post Summary is generated during this routine.
Prior to beginning the Vehicle Receipt Post make sure that you have entered all the vehicle receipts transactions and have printed and approved the Vehicle Receipts Print Journal.
Usually, you run the post daily, near the end of business hours. For information about the timing and sequence of vehicle receipts tasks, see Daily Cash-up Procedure.
Review and maintain the Vehicle Receipts Post Summary for a complete audit trail.
While the post is in progress, you can not enter any vehicle receipts until the post is complete.
Vehicle Receipts Post:
Updates Fee Codes: Updates Daily, Cycle and YTD amounts with fee amounts for appropriate Fee Codes
Updates Class Code Detail: Updates Daily, Cycle and YTD amounts with appropriate amounts
Creates a history record in motor vehicle history file
journal entries for the GL Journal Period specified
Note: The GL
Table contains the GL Accounts and Revenue accounts for creating
the GL journal entries.
Updates the following appropriation revenue files:
Revenue Master
Revenue Detail
Revenue Monthly
Clears the receipt transaction file
Copies the next day receipt transactions into the daily receipt transaction file
Clears the next day receipts file
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