Tax Master Maintenance - Balances and Detail Tab

The table below describes the fields in the Balances and Details Tab for Tax Master Maintenance.



Although you can update and create detail transactions (and balances) through Tax Master Maintenance, you must use caution.  This program does not create the normal postings to the General Ledger.

For special supplemental transactions, refer to Tax Charge Entry, which posts to the General Ledger and adds the appropriate tax detail transactions.



Balances Area:


If you change any of the balance values for the buckets in the table below, you will receive the following warning:

Balances and Detail Tab - Balances Area

Tip:  To see even more information about a particular field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Current Year

Enter the amount owed for the current year.  (7.2)

Prior Year

Enter the amount owed for the previous year (last year).  (7.2)

Two Years +

Enter the amount owed for two-plus years previous (the years before last year).  (7.2)

Next Year

Enter the amount owed for next year.  (7.2)

To update changed balance fields, click the Save button next to the Tax Account Number (not the Save button in the Detail Area).

Detail Area:


Balances and Detail Tab - Detail Area

Tip:  To see even more information about a particular field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Due Date

Enter the Due Date for the detail transaction.  (up to 4 characters)  For new transactions, the value defaults to the current period.

Tip:  For more information about the format of Due Date, click the field name.

Tax Type

Click the Tax Type Code in the drop-down list.

Note:  For a list of Tax Types and transaction information, refer to the Tax Type Codes Chart.

Interest Date

Enter the date that specifies when interest should start being charged against an overdue Tax Account.  (MM/DD/YYYY)  Required


Enter the dollar amount for the detail transaction.  (7.2)

Receipt #

For payment transactions, enter the Receipt Number if applicable.  (6.0 whole number)

Post Date

Enter the transaction post date.  (MM/DD/YYYY)  Required

Receipt Date

For payment transactions, enter the date the payment was received.

NEW Record?

To create a new detail transaction, click the words NEW Record?.  You will then see the Save, Cancel and Delete buttons appear under the Receipt Date.

To update a detail transaction click the Save button below Receipt Date (not the Save button next to the Tax Account Number).

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [s]

CAUTION:  If you forget to click Save, you may lose your changes.

To escape from updating detail transactions, click Cancel.

To permanently remove a detail transaction, click Delete.

Note:  You must delete all detail transactions before deleting the Tax Master record.

Other Tax Master Topics