View Menu

The View menu contains file maintenance commands for starting the most commonly used programs in the software module.


View Menu Items

Tax Master

Maintains (or views) the master Tax Accounts and Tax Detail Transactions.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [ALT] [v] [t] or [CTRL + t]

Real Estate Lien

Maintains the lien information for Tax Accounts with a Real Estate Account Type.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [ALT] [v] [r] or [CTRL + r]

Personal Property Lien

Maintains the lien information for Tax Accounts with a Personal Property Account Type.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [ALT] [v] [p] or [CTRL + p]

Tax Charge Entry

Maintains supplemental taxes, 30-day charges and other tax charges for a tax year that has already been billed.

Keyboard shortcuts:  [ALT] [v] [e] or [CTRL + e]