Wizard - Data Entry Panel

The Wizard Data Entry Area contains the fields to be entered for the current step.



To display the Data Entry Area:

  1. Open a Wizard window, such as the Patient Wizard.

  2. Navigate to the step you want to work with.


Wizard Steps Area Prompts


The fields vary according to the step you are working in.

To navigate to the previous step, click Back or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + b]

To navigate to the next step, click Next or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + b]

To update the new or changed information, click Finish or press [ENTER].  The Wizard displays messages as it validates each step before closing the Wizard window.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]


To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records by clicking Finish.

To exit the Wizard without saving any changes, click Close.  The following warning displays:


To close the Wizard, click OK or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + o]


Or, to resume data entry in the Wizard, click Cancel or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]

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