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Aged Trial Summary Report Instructions
Use the Aged Trial Summary Report Instructions to list the transactions that have affected the accounts receivable over the past month and compare the charges and transactions to the date the original services were performed. Use this report to see how quickly payments and charges are being entered based on the service dates and posting dates. You can easily monitor charges that are submitted late, payments that are seriously delayed, or adjustments that are administered prematurely by provider, by location or by insurance carrier (ATB Category). In addition, this report compares the payment date to the date of the original service telling the practice how long it is taking insurers to pay. You can use these statistics as a guide when making future decisions about your practice and you can identify areas that may need attention. Generally, you will run this report at month end.
The Aged Trial Summary information is stored in the GMMISC file on a record called the ATS (Aged Trial Summary) record. It is updated with services, payments, adjustments, each time the Charge/Payment Post Initialize routine is run. When the Clear Month/Year To Date Totals routine is run the detail is cleared and the summary amounts are accumulated with the Previous AR amount.
For more information about running reports, see Print View.
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