MSR Export MSR File Instructions

Use the Export MSR File routine to create the transmission file at the specified location.  After the file is exported, you can follow the instructions from the MainePERS agency to transmit the file to the MainePERS.


Tip:  For information on the timing and sequence of MSR Magnetic Filing tasks, see MSR Magnetic Filing Process.


To open:

1.  Click Reporting from the Menu.

2.  Click Government.

3.  Click MSR Magnetic Filing.

4.  Click Export.

:  Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [e] [g] [m] [x].


Export MSR File Window Example:


Export MSR File Prompts


Report Selection

To specify the Build Monthly Work File to supply the data for the export, click the appropriate report selection in the drop-down list. (1-9)

Destination ID

Enter the destination ID that was defined during Export Destination Maintenance.  (up to 20 characters)

Destination File

Displays the transmission file path and file name that you defined during Export Destination Maintenance.  Change the file name using the file name format listed below to include the appropriate reporting month and year.  (up to 80 characters)

Or, to search for a file path for the location to store the transmission file (or file), click Browse .  Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + p]


Note:  The path and file name use the following format:  Example:  c:\temp\TCPOR0922O

  • Path:  Enter the path for the location to store the transmission file.  In the example, the path is c:\temp.

  • File Name:  EEEEEMMYYX

  • EEEEE or EEEEEE (5 or 6 characters):  Enter the employer code assigned to your facility by the MainePERS agency.  In the above example, the employer code is TCPOR.

  • MM (2 characters):  Enter the number of the month for the report.  In the above example, the month is 09 (September).

  • YY (2 characters):  Following the decimal, enter the year of the report.  In the above example the year is 22 (2022).

  • X:  Enter O for original filing or enter T for test filing.  In the above example the value is O (for original filing).

To run the routine and generate the report, click Export, or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + e]


While the work file is processing, the following messages display.



When Process Complete displays the export is complete.  Click Close to close the window.

When the process is complete, click to close the window.


Other Processes