MSR Magnetic Filing Process

Run the MSR Magnetic Filing steps listed below after the final payroll for the month has been posted and before you do the payroll month end.


1.  Make sure the correct versions of the Build Monthly Work File were run.

2.  Confirm the setup in MSR Transmitter Record Maintenance.  If you are in the test phase, set the Filing Type accordingly.  Reset the Filing Type when your transmissions go live.

3.  Run the MSR Build Export Work File routine to process the data from the Build Monthly Work File.  You must select the same report selection number as you did for the Build Monthly Work File routine.  Be sure to update the month and year of the transmission file name to reflect the correct time period.

4.  Generate the Magnetic Media Detail listing to verify the information in the export work file is accurate.  You can view the report to the screen.

5.  If changes are needed, use Detail Maintenance to edit employee information or remove an employee.  If you make edits to employee detail, be sure to run the Recalculate Summary Record Totals so that the totals reflect the changes.

6.  Run the Export routine to create the transmission file at the specified location.

7.  Follow the MainePERS instructions to transmit the export file to the state.  To sign on, navigate to the website.


Tip:  For more information about the MainePERS, see the Understanding the Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS) topic.