W-2 State Supplemental Data Maintenance

Use W-2 State Supplemental Data Maintenance to maintain additional information required by the state for W-2 processing.  This may include the state Withholding tax account number and the reporting period.



To open:

1.  Click Utilities from the menu.

2.  Click Misc Utilities.

3.  Click W-2 Utilities.

4.  Click State Supplemental Data.
Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [t] [u] [w] [s].


W-2 State Supplemental Data Maintenance Window Example:


W-2 State Supplemental Data Maintenance Prompts



Enter the 2-character postal service state abbreviation as the unique identifier for the W-2 State Supplemental Data and click Retrieve, or press [ENTER].. (2 characters)

Tip:  If you are building new W-2 State Supplemental Data, New New Record displays near the state.  Default entries display and the first field is highlighted to let you know you can begin entering information.

To update the new or changed information, click Save or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]


To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records.

State Supplemental Data 1

Enter the State Supplemental Data 1 information required by the state you are reporting to. (up to 20 characters)


  • If you are reporting wages for employees who work in Maine, enter the 11-digit Maine Withholding account number.  Generally, this is the reporting company's EIN and a 2-digit suffix number.  Reporting companies frequently incorrectly omit the 2-digit suffix.  

  • If you are reporting wages for employees who work in Maryland, enter the 8-digit Maryland Tax Withholding Tax Account Number.

  • For Massachusetts and Michigan, please leave blank.

State Supplemental Data 2

Enter the information for the State Supplemental Data 2 field as specified by the state you are reporting to, if applicable. (up to 20 characters)

State Tax No. Part 1

Enter the state tax number as specified by the state you are reporting to. (up to 10 characters)


  • If you are reporting wages for employees who work in Wisconsin, enter the first 10 characters of the 15-digit Wisconsin Tax Account Number.

  • If you are reporting wages for employees who work in Michigan, enter the first 10 characters of the Michigan Tax Account Number.

  • For Maine, Massachusetts, and Maryland, please leave blank.

State Tax No. Part 2

Enter the state tax number part 2 as specified by the state you are reporting to. (up to 10 characters)


  • If you are reporting wages for employees who work in Wisconsin, enter the last 5 characters of the 15-digit Wisconsin tax account number.

  • If you are reporting wages for employees who work in Michigan, enter the remaining characters of the Michigan tax account number.

  • For Maine, Massachusetts, and Maryland, please leave blank.

Other State Data

Enter the information for the other state data as specified by the state you are reporting to. (up to 10 characters)


  • If you are reporting Maine MEPers participant employee contributions, enter RET.  In addition, you must set the type field to R for the appropriate W-2 box 14 tables.

  • If you are reporting wages for employees who work in Maryland, enter 0000000000.

  • For Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Wisconsin, please leave blank.

Payment Year (yyyy)

Enter the information for the payment year as specified by the state you are reporting to. (4.0 numeric)

Note:  For Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Wisconsin, please leave blank.

State Control Number

Enter the information for the state control number as specified by the state you are reporting to. (up to 7 characters)

Note:  For Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Wisconsin, please leave blank.

Reporting Period

Enter the reporting period as specified by the state you are reporting to. (6.0 numeric, mmccyy of tax year)


  • If you are reporting wages for employees who work in Maine, enter the reporting period.

  • For Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Wisconsin, please leave blank.

Editing a Record

1.  Position the pointer to the information that you want to change.

2.  Enter the data changes.

3.  To complete the edit process, click Save , or press [ENTER].
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

Deleting a Record

1.  Click File from the menu, and next click Delete.
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [f] [d]

2.  At the delete prompt, click Proceed to delete the record, or click Cancel to escape from the delete routine.


Note:  After you click proceed, you will see the following message on the status bar.


Other File Maintenance