Payment Entry - Overview

Use Payment Entry to enter payments, adjustments, refunds and transfers of responsibility for a patient.  When you launch Payment Entry for the first time of the day, you must enter the batch parameters.  Then you see the Work Window where you enter the transaction information.  You have the option to print a receipt after completing a transaction.


To see directions for...

Payment Entry - Field Details by Area

Tip:  To see more information about an area, click the hyperlink for that area

Batch Entry Window

Tip:  The Batch Entry Window displays automatically only the first time you open Payment Entry for the day.  However, you can reopen it manually from the Work Window.

Batch Entry Window

View and maintain Payment Entry default batch information.  Use batches to maintain default codes to simplify entry of like payments and to group similar payments for reconciliation.

Work Window

Patient Guarantor Area

Displays the patient's guarantor information, patient insurances and patient remarks for your reference.

Patient Balances Area

Displays patient balances for your reference.

Batch Information Area

Displays the batch parameters, which you can edit.

Payment Transaction Detail Entry Area

Contains the fields to enter payment transactions for patients.

Payment Entry Methods:

If during Batch Entry you set the Cash Application method to...

Commit Payments Area

Contains fields to complete the payment detail transactions.

Print Receipt Prompt

Prompts to print a receipt for the payment.

Other Payment Entry