Transaction Entry - Transaction Detail Lines Inquiry

Use the Transactions Detail Lines Inquiry Area to view transactions that are waiting to be posted.  You can select transaction lines to edit and delete as needed.  The table below describes the Transaction Detail Lines Inquiry Area for Transaction Entry.



To display the Transactions Detail Lines Inquiry Area, Open Transaction Entry.


Transaction Detail Lines Inquiry Area of Transaction Entry Window Example:


Transaction Detail Lines Inquiry Area of Transaction Entry Prompts


Detail Lines

The following information displays for each detail line:

  • ID - Transaction ID, automatically created for each new line

  • Date - Date of the transaction

  • Batch - Batch Number for the transaction

  • Type - Transaction type

  • Item - Item affected by the transaction

  • Location - Location where the inventory item will be added or removed

  • Quantity - Number of items added or removed

  • UOM - Unit of Measure for the items

  • Cost - Standard cost for the item

  • Phase - Phase of project, (optional)

  • Job - Job associated with transaction, (optional)

  • Destination - Location where transferring items

  • GL Category - Determines the GL Accounts that the transaction will update during the Transaction Post routine

  • Vendor - Vendor that the item was purchased from

  • Work Order - Work Order that the item is for

Double-click to Edit

To edit a specific transaction line:

1.  Double-click the desired line in the Inquiry Area.  The Transaction line details display in the Transaction Entry area for your review.

2.  To position the pointer at the information that you want to change, click the field using the mouse.

3.  Enter the data changes.

4.  To complete the edit process, click Save .  


To avoid losing data, you must save new or changed records.


To delete a transaction detail line:

1.  Double-click the appropriate line displayed in the Inquiry area.  The Transaction line details display in the Transaction Entry area for your review.

2.  Click Delete .

3.  At the Delete Records prompt, click Yes to delete the record, or click Cancel to escape from the delete routine.

4.  After clicking Yes, the record is deleted, the fields in the Transaction Entry Detail area clear and the cursor is positioned at Transaction Date for entry of another transaction.