Adjust Display Settings

Use Adjust Display Settings to maintain information for certain display settings for the Inquiry and the application.  You can adjust how a grid displays, the colors in the search results display, the color of the EDIFICE menu and you can change certain settings for account alerts.



From the Inquiry, click Adjust Display Settings .

Inquiry - Adjust Display Settings Example:

Inquiry - Adjust Display Settings Prompts


Grid Settings

The following settings will change how information in the grid displays.  

Save Grid Filters

To save grid filters to use each time the view is opened, click to check the Save Grid Filters box.  If you do not want to save filter settings leave this box blank.

Cell Padding

To leave the spacing between the columns and the rows in the grid unchanged, leave cell padding at 0.

To increase spacing between the columns and the rows, increase the cell padding value.  To decrease the spacing between the columns, decrease the cell padding value.

As you make changes to the cell padding, a sample of how the grid will look displays to the right.

Search Results

The search results settings determines how search results display in the Inquiry Search.  

To reset the search results display to the default display, click Reset Search Results Appearance link.

Selected Search Result

To choose a color for the display of the selected search result background, click the drop-down list.  The following screen displays for choosing colors.  



To select a color, do one of the following.  
When you select a color it is displayed in the upper right of the screen along with the prior color to give you a sample of before and after.

  • Click any color block to the left.

  • Or, click anywhere within the large color block.  You can also drag the circle anywhere within the large color block to assign the color.

  • Or, enter the HEX code for the desired color.  The HEX code field is indicated with the # pound sign.  For example, if you want to use company logo colors enter the appropriate HEX code.

  • Or, use the fields R, G and B to enter the desired RGB code for the color.

  • After choosing a color, click the Adjust Display Settings screen to close the color chooser.

Highlighted Term Background

To set the background color for the highlighted search term, click the drop-down list.  For instructions on choosing a color, see Selected Search Result above.

Highlighted Term Text

To set the color for the highlighted search term, click the drop-down list.  For instructions on choosing a color, see Selected Search Result above.


Customer alerts are messages that display to notify your utility about information related to a customer account.  When a customer has alerts, each time you load a customer in the Inquiry they display as a pop-up window or in a box in the lower right corner of your screen.

Show User Alert Settings

To change general settings for alerts messages that display to notify your utility about information related to a customer account, click Show User Alert Settings.  These settings are per user.  Because messages are user-defined, your screen may not match the documentation.



  • Hide Alert - For each message that is listed, leave Hide Alert blank to show the alert. Or, check the box to hide the message.
    Alert settings are set by user. However, if the Disable Alert Status is checked, the selected alert is hidden for all users. The message will continue to display in the Messages view for a customer.

  • Show an alert for locations with incomplete work orders - Check to show. Leave blank to hide this type of alert.

  • Show an alert for customer that have started the shut off process - Check to show alerts for customers in the shut off process. Leave blank to omit an alert if customers have started the shut off process.

  • To save any changes to the alert settings, click OK.

Menu Color

Show Menu Color Settings

To change the color for the EDIFICE main menu, click Show Menu Color Settings.  Changing the menu color makes it easy to distinguish between individual companies you may have as well as distinguish between a working company and a company used for training.  Each user can assign their own unique color to their menu.

Menu without color:

Menu with color:

After selecting show menu color settings, the following screen will display.



  • The default color choice for the menu is set to Use Default.  To change back to the default, check Use Default.

  • To select a different color to use, click Use This Color and then, click the drop-down to select a color.  
    For more information on choosing a color, see Selecting a Search Result color above.

  • Click Save to complete your entries.

Reset UI Settings

To return all the user settings on this screen to the original settings before you made any choices, click Reset UI Settings.


To close the screen, click Close.  Any changes that were made are saved.