Enhanced Inquiry - Search

The EDIFICE Inquiry Search offers a flexible way to look for account information.  You can search for accounts like you would search the Internet for a web page - enter any of a number of pieces of information to get the desired account.  You can search by location, customer, device, work order or invoice, allowing you to use a wide variety of search text pertaining to any of these categories.  For example, to search by first or last name, phone number, device ID, work order number, customer ID or any part of the address, simply enter the known information.  You can customize the Enhanced Search to fit your needs and you can also search on partial information as well.  While you can search by account number, you don't need to know this information to find an account.



Open the EDIFICE Inquiry.


EDIFICE Inquiry - Search Example:


EDIFICE Inquiry - Search Results Prompts

Enter Search Term

Enter text, characters or numbers related to what you are looking for and then click Search or press [Enter].  If you only know part of the information you can enter the text that you know and search on that.  For example, if you only have part of the meter number, or only the last name, you can enter that to search for the account.

Tip:  Or, to re-display the most recent search, click Search Results .

Search Results Window

The Search Results window opens and the results display with the search text highlighted.  

Note:  The highlighted color for search terms can be changed using the Adjust Display Settings in the upper right of the Inquiry.



  • At the top, the search text displays.

  • Typically, a search will be specific enough that your result is one of a few, or is the only result.
    Note:  If there is only one result, the account will load without displaying the search window.  

  • If the search is broader, for example, looking up all the locations on a particular road, you will have many results.

  • The icons next to the categories correspond with icons next to each search result, indicating the type of result it is.  The bottom of the search window displays the number of results.  You can page back and forth when there are more than 40 results.

Selecting Results

To load the desired account in the Inquiry, click the desired item in the search results.

Changing Search

To start a new search, enter the new term in the search results search box and then, press [Enter] or click Search .

Accessing Recent Accounts and Searches

Right-click in the Search Entry box to display a menu of:

  • Recent accounts that were selected from a search.  To select an account, simply click the desired search item in the list.

  • Recent searches that can be brought up from this menu.  To search again using the same criteria, click the desired search.

Right-click Example:

Note:  The icons next to the previously selected search result items indicate whether it was a location, customer, device, work order or invoice.  Searches are listed in the section below and the letters indicate the categories that were searched:  L for location, C for customer, D for device, W for work order, I for invoice.



Changing Search Parameters


Search Categories

The check boxes indicate the category of results that are available (see Search Results example above):

  • Location, Customer, Device, Work Order and Invoice.

  • If a box is checked, the category is being used.  The system defaults to showing location and customer results.  If you make a change to the check boxes, click Search to refresh the results.

  • Searching devices will search all types of devices, including meters, trailers, components and backflow devices.

  • Note:  The invoice search is only available for open item systems.

Changing Search Category Criteria

Use the drop-down menus to adjust which fields get the most importance in your search.  Simply click the down arrow next to the type of search - location, customer, etc.  A window opens where you can make adjustments.


  • To give a field a higher or lower search priority, highlight the field and use the move up/move down buttons.  Fields that you use most often to search should be at the top of the list.  Uncheck fields you don't want the search to use.  

  • Any changes to search criteria will stay in effect until the next time the criteria is changed.

  • To reset the settings to default, click Reset Settings.


Search Category Fields Example: