EDIFICE Inquiry - Line Mapping View

Use Line Mapping to view information about the utility's line infrastructure.  When infrastructure is mapped for your utility employees can see what is connected and where items can be turned off when making repairs or installations.  For example, pipes, lines and valves can make up the infrastructure.  A line item can be attached to a location.  When a repair must be done, like fixing a leak, users can consult the line items at the location to know which mains to shut off so that repairs can be made.  

A line item is a single asset such as water main or electrical transformer that is part of a larger infrastructure system.  Using Line Item Type Maintenance, types of items can be created to indicate the type or category of asset that an item is.  Using Line Item Maintenance, individual infrastructure assets can be entered as line items with user definable types of items and user definable fields for holding information suited to your purposes.  In addition, special conditions can be added to line items and will display on the graphical line map.  A group of line items can be connected by linking to other line items to create a line map and model a network of assets like a water system or electrical grid for your utility.  Line items can be attached to connections using Edit Line Item function in the Connections view of the Enhanced Inquiry.  This opens the Service Connection Line Mapping Information Wizard.  Line items can be removed from a connection using the Change Out Line Item Wizard.