Enhanced Inquiry - Connections View

Use the Connections View to view and manage information about the service connections for the customer or location, including device information and information for generating billing transactions.  Customers and locations can have multiple service connections, which all display in this view.  Connections can be added, removed and changed out from this view.  In addition, you can see information for prior devices that were changed out or replaced.  

Note:  The color of the Connections tab allows you to quickly see the status of the connections.  



From the EDIFICE Inquiry, click View and then click Connections.  

EDIFICE Inquiry - Connections View Example:


EDIFICE Inquiry - Connections View Prompts

Note:  Each section of the Connection view can be expanded or collapsed to suit your needs.  To collapse a section, click Collapse .  To expand a collapsed section, click Expand .


Customers and locations can have multiple service connections, which the information can be viewed here.  

To view information about a device click the desired tab .  If there is only 1 device for the connection, the information automatically displays.

Note:  Inactive connections are highlighted so that you know they are in-active or non-billable.

Billing Information

This area shows the most recent billing information for the device including the transaction profile used to generate billing transactions.  To see additional details on the transaction profile, hover over Additional Info .  


Connection/Device Information



Meter Information

The following device information displays.  

To edit the device, click Edit .  The device maintenance screen will open for changes to be made.  

To see additional details hover over Additional Info .  

  • Device Radio MIU - Radio MIU for the device

  • Usage Multiplier - Device usage multiplier if the usage is in a different unit of measure than the standard

  • Read Multiplier - Device reading multiplier if the reading is in a different unit of measure than the other connection readings

  • Device Location -

  • Outside ID - Serial number of the electronic transmitter-receiver at the location used to transmit readings to a hand-held meter reader

  • Unbilled Usage - Unbilled usage for the connection

  • Previous Device - The device previously on the connection

  • Billing Type - A billing type may be assigned if additional billing information is needed for the meter.

  • Pressure Zone - User-defined pressure zone value used to group customers for reporting purposes

  • Connection Radio MIU - Connection radio MIU for the device

  • Supplier - Service supplier for the connection, if applicable

  • Sequence - Sequence determines the order for reading multiple meters at a location, if there are multiple meters

Inspection Code

To indicate if an appointment is needed or not needed in order to inspect the device, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Connection Size

To indicate the connection size, click the appropriate choice in the drop-down list.


To set the status for a connection, click a choice in the drop-down list.

Note:  The color of the connections icon allows you to quickly see the connection status.

  • Red connections icon - indicates no active connections

  • Orange connection icon - indicates some active connections

  • Gray connection icon - indicates all active connections


Read Book

The book number the connection belongs to.  This can be edited, if needed.

Read Code

To specify if the device should be read or not during the export process, click a choice in the drop-down list.


To view or maintain the longitude, latitude and elevation geographical coordinates for the connection, click Select Coordinates.  A map will open where coordinates can be entered.  The coordinates will display in the Map view as well.

Line Item

Displays the Line Item to indicate where the meter is located in the line, grid, or circuit.  To add a line item or edit the line item, click Edit .

Connection User Definables

In this area you can view and maintain information specific to your organization.  Because these fields are custom to your organization, the fields in the documentation may not match the fields on your screen.  Alpha user definable fields will have drop-down lists from which you can choose an entry or you can enter an entry that is not listed.  Adding an entry will make it available for the next time.


Connections Tools

There are several tools you can use for maintaining connections, billing information and line mapping information.  


Connection Tools

Connection Tools:


  • Connection Type List - To choose the types of connections that can be viewed, click to select the types in the drop-down list.

  • Show Removed Connections - To allow removed connections to display click to check this option.

  • Add Connection - To add a connection to this account, click Add Connection and the Create Service Connection wizard opens for entering the connection information.

  • Remove Connection - To remove a connection for this account, click Remove and the Remove Connection wizard opens for removing the device.

  • Edit Billing Information - To edit billing information for a device, click the device to highlight it and then click Edit Billing Information.  The Edit Billing Information wizard opens.

  • Change Out Connection - To change out the connection, click Change Out and the Change Out Connection screen opens for changing out the connection.

To edit line mapping information associated with this connection, click Edit Line Item.  The Service Connection Line Mapping Information wizard opens.

To view any test results for the device, click Test History.  This information can also be seen in the Device Maintenance.  The test result details can also be printed by clicking View Report.