EDIFICE Inquiry - Refunds View

Use the Refunds View as a convenient way to generate refunds for accounts that have a credit balance or a deposit balance to be refunded.  You can specify a minimum dollar amount an account must have to be eligible for a refund, as well as, choosing the services and companies to examine.  You can process all of the steps of issuing a refund from this view, including creating a list of eligible accounts, creating cash adjustment transactions, running a journal of adjustments and posting the transactions to update the accounts and history.  In addition, an export function is available, which creates a file containing the accounts payable information for generating the refund checks for customers.  Typically, the refunds process should be run after you have posted bills for the companies or services for which you are generating refunds.  




From the EDIFICE Inquiry, click Tools and then click Refunds.  

EDIFICE Inquiry - Refunds View Example:


EDIFICE Inquiry - Refunds View Prompts

Create a List of Accounts Eligible for a Refund

To start, select the desired parameters for creating a list of accounts with credit balances or deposit balances.


Choose the parameters for determining the accounts to include for refunds.

  • Search Mode-  Choose either credit balance or deposit balance.  This setting determines the customer balances to search.

  • Minimum Balance - Enter the minimum balance the account must have to be eligible for a refund.  

  • Multi-service Balance - Check the multi service balance option to search across services, if desired.

  • Refund Date - Set the refund date.

  • Include - To include lien and roll balances check the appropriate boxes.

  • Transaction Code - Choose the offsetting transaction code for each service being processed.  Note:  Only debit cash entry type transaction codes will display in the drop-down list for each service.  


To narrow your list to a service or a group of services, click to select the services in the drop-down list.  


To narrow your list to a company or a group of companies, click to select the companies in the drop-down list.


Select all of the aging balances to consider for credit balances.

To create the list, click Search .  Processing displays as the list is being built.

Organize Account Refund List

The Account Refund list shows all eligible accounts in a grid view for you to review and take action on.  The list can be sorted and filtered so that you only see the desired accounts.  

Tip:  Use the grid setting to add or remove the columns to display in the grid, including user definable fields.  For example, you might add Customer ID, location ID, or tenant address as columns in the grid.


Sort List

To sort, simply click the desired column heading.  To sort in reverse order, click the column heading a second time.  For example, you can sort the list by service status or by current balance.


To limit the accounts to those that meet certain criteria, click Filter next to the desired column heading.  Any column can be filtered.  The available filter choices display.  Here is an example of service status filters.  To select the choices to use as criteria, click to check the desired box or boxes and then, click OK.

Note:  Advanced filtering options are available by clicking Text Filters.



Process Account Refunds

After the Refunds list of accounts has been organized and reviewed, you can use the functions on the Transactions menu to process the refunds for the selected accounts.



Review the batch ID and clerk that are displayed at the bottom of the grid.  To change these, click Change .  The Clerk windows displays where you can maintain the clerk ID, batch ID and the cash date.

Selecting Accounts

A single account, a group of accounts or all accounts can be selected.  

  • To select an individual account , click to check the Selection box.

  • To quickly select all accounts listed, click the Selection box in the first column heading.

  • To quickly select a batch of accounts, click to highlight the first account, hold the shift key and click to select the last account.  All accounts in between are selected.  Press [Space bar] to check the Selection box for the highlighted accounts.  If you press [Space bar] a second time the Selection box for the highlighted accounts is de-selected.

Follow these steps to process refunds for the selected accounts:


1.  Generate Transactions for the selected accounts.  This will create cash adjustment transactions in the Cash Adjustments file for the selected accounts.  The refund transactions can be viewed from the Cash Explorer and in the Edit Journal until the post is run.
Note:  After the adjustment transaction is created, the check box for the account changes color to indicate the refund is being processed.  In addition, if a selected account has a non-zero balance in the cash adjustments file for the selected batch, the check box will change colors to indicate that it can not be processed since there are existing transactions in the batch.

2.  Select Edit Transaction Journal to run a cash adjustments edit journal for the transactions.  Use this to proof the refund amounts before posting them to the accounts.

3.  Run the Export Transactions to Fund Accounting, if applicable.  See the Export Step below.

4.  Run the cash receipts adjustments Post to update the account balances with the refund amounts.  The following prompt displays.  Click Yes to begin.


Note:  After the Post completes, view the account balances for the refunded accounts to verify that the balances reflect the refund.


Export Transactions to Fund Accounting

To generate an export file that contains the accounts payable information for each refund being issued, click Export Transactions to Fund Accounting.  The export file information can be used to generate A/P checks for the refund amounts.


After the export completes, the following message displays:


Refunds View Right-click Functions

To see additional options, right-click.


  • To load the account information into the Inquiry, click to highlight the account.  Then, right-click and select Load Account.

  • To expand all rows in the grid, click Expand All.

  • To collapse all rows in the grid, click Collapse All.

  • To copy the information highlighted in the selected rows, click Copy.

Printing & Exporting Functions

These functions can be handy for further manipulating or formatting the data or sending copies to coworkers.  In addition, Print and Print Preview functions are available.  


These functions can be handy for further manipulating or formatting the data or sending copies to coworkers.  In addition, Print and Print Preview functions are available.  

  • To begin printing a report of the items in the grid, click Print.  

  • Or, to view a list of the transactions to the Print Preview window, click Print Preview.

  • To create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from the items in the grid, click Save as Excel.  
    Tip:  This can be handy if you want to further manipulate the list.

  • To create a PDF document from the items in the grid, click Save as PDF.

  • To create a Microsoft Word document from the items in the grid, click Save as Word.

Window Save As

The Windows Save As steps:

  • At the Save In field, navigate to the desired location.

  • At the File Name field, enter a file name.

  • The Save as Type is set based on the Save as selected:

  • Excel document to save as an Excel file.

  • PDF to save as a PDF document.

  • Word Document to save as a Word document.

  • PNG to save as a PNG image.

  • Click Save .