Bill Entry - Billing Transaction Detail Calculations

The transaction code's calculation type determines how billing transaction detail is entered and charges are calculated.  Each calculation type is described below:

1.  Table – Used for generating charges with rate tables.  The customer's prior reading and present reading are used to determine the usage for the transaction. In addition, it uses the transaction code's rate table specified in the Rate Table No. field, for the minimum charge and minimum usage.

2.  Flat – Used for pre-determined flat rate billing transactions.  The flat rate billing amount is maintained as the transaction code's minimum charge.

  1. Calculation:  Transaction code's minimum charge amount = billing transaction charge amount

  2. Tips:  This amount can be edited.  You can use this calculation type for final, new or pro-rated bills.

3.  Enter Charge – Used for entering billing transactions where the amount may differ with each bill.

  1. Calculation:  None.  You are prompted to enter the billing transaction Charge amount during Bill Entry.

4.  Unit – Used for unit multiplied billing transactions.  The billing transaction amount is calculated by multiplying the customer number of units by the transaction code's minimum charge amount.

  1. Calculation:  Customer number of units X transaction code's minimum charge = billing transaction charge

5.  Usage Unit – Used for Usage Unit type billing transactions.  The billing transaction charge amount is figured by first calculating a unit by dividing the usage entered by the transaction code's minimum usage.  The resulting unit amount is then multiplied by the transaction code's minimum charge to determine the billing transaction amount.

  1. Calculation:   Present reading - prior reading = usage
    Usage / transaction code's minimum usage = units (if less than 1 but greater than 0, a value of 1 is assumed)
    Resulting units X transaction code's minimum charge = billing transaction charge

6.  ERU – Used for Estimated Residential Unit type billing transactions.  The billing transaction amount is calculated by multiplying the customer's  ERU/EDU (Estimated Residential Usage) value by the transaction code's minimum charge.

  1. Calculation:  ERU/EDU amount X transaction code's minimum charge = billing transaction charge

7.  Table II – Used to generate billing charges with rate tables.  The billing transaction charge is calculated by using the usage entered and the rate tables in a different method than Calculation Type 1.  Rates are figured on the following basis, if usage is less than the minimum usage, then charge the transaction code's minimum charge.  If usage is greater than the minimum usage, then look at the rate table and see which step the usage falls under, then charge the rate for that usage level for the entire usage.

  1. Calculation:  Present reading - prior reading = usage
    If Usage < minimum usage, then minimum charge = billing transaction Charge
    If Usage > minimum usage, then usage = highest usage level
    Highest usage level rate X usage = billing transaction charge

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