Meter Change Out Menu

The Meter Change Out menu contains commands used to generate a workfile of meters to be changed out and to print meter change out notices for customers.  Generally, regulations require that meters be replaced every so often.  In addition, the workfile information can be imported to Excel for reporting purposes.  When a meter is changed out using the Change Out Connection Wizard, the workfile is automatically updated.



Meter Change Out Menu Items

Create Workfile

Generates a workfile of meters to be changed out.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [m] [c]

Workfile Maintenance

Deletes individual meters from the Change Out Connection workfile.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [m] [m]

XML Change Out Notice Letter

Prints the Meter Change Out Notices for customers.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [m] [x]