Scheduling Window - Side Panel Schedule Parameters Panel

Use the Scheduling Parameters Panel in Scheduling to limit the Appointment Book Area to the desired time slots.  Using the Scheduling Parameters you can highlight the time slots mutually agreeable to customers, and the technicians.  Based on the parameters you enter, the appointment book displays for the days and technicians specified.  Times that are not available are grayed out for the dates and locations specified.  The table following the window example describes the Scheduling Parameters Panel in the Scheduling Window Side Panel (the left pane in this example).

Scheduling Parameters Examples:  


1.  To display the Scheduling Parameters Panel, open Scheduling.

2.  To apply the parameters to the Appointment Book Area in the Scheduling Window:

a.  Enter the Location ID and technicians, if applicable.

b.  Change the remaining parameters, if applicable.

c.  Click View .


Scheduling Window - Schedule Parameters Panel Example:


Scheduling Side Panel Schedule Parameters Area Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.


To identify the territory for the location, enter the Location ID. (up to 12 characters)


  • To search for the desired location, click Search .

  • To view all appointments for the location, click Location Appointments .


To limit the technician or technicians to include in the Appointment Book, enter the Technician Code and click Add/Delete above the field. (up to 3 characters)


  • To search for the desired technician, click Search .

  • To remove a technician from the Technician Schedule Parameters List, click to highlight the desired Technician Code and click Add/Delete .


To enter another territory associated with the location, click Add/Delete above the field. (up to 4 characters)


  • The default territory associated with the location displays in the Territory Schedule Parameters List.  To remove, see below.

  • To search for the desired territory, click Search .

  • To remove a territory from the Territory Schedule Parameters List, click to highlight the desired Territory Code and click Add/Delete .

Start Date

Entry Options:

  • To specify the starting date to display in the Appointment Book Area, enter the date. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)

  • Or, to choose a specific date from the Scheduling Calendar, click the desired date.

Scheduling Calendar

To select a date, click the desired date.


  • A red box highlights today's date for your reference.

  • A blue box highlights the selected date for your reference.

To display the month before the currently displayed month, click the Back Arrow.

To display the month following the currently displayed month, click the Forward Arrow.

Dimmed Dates

Dates that are dimmed or "grayed out" indicate dates for the previous month or the next month.


In the pop-up example above, the following dates are dimmed:

  • August 31

  • October 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Tip:  To select a dimmed date and to display the associated month, click the desired date.

Start Time

To specify the beginning time the customer is available for an appointment, enter the Start Time, if applicable. (hh:mm, military time)

Example:  Enter 9:00 for 9:00 am


  • Time slots before the Start Time become dimmed.

  • Enter blank to remove highlighting.

End Time

To specify the ending time the customer is available for an appointment, enter the ending time, if applicable. (hh:mm, military time)

Example End Time:  Enter 13:00  for 1:00 pm


  • Time slots after the End Time become dimmed.

  • Enter blank to remove highlighting.


To identify the problem or task the appointment is for and the time needed, enter the Problem/Task Code. (up to 3 characters)

Tip:  To search for the appropriate Problem/Task Code, click Search .


To limit the display of time slots in the Appointment Book, enter the minimum duration, if applicable. (3.0 numeric, in whole minutes)

To update the Appointment Book with the schedule parameters entered, click View.


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