
The Scheduling module allows you to quickly and easily book appointments for service.  You can also view appointments for specified time periods as well as cancel and reschedule appointments.  Work orders can be created from the appointments and printed.  The schedule format is flexible, providing for the unique requirements of each technician.  This allows your company to more effectively service the needs of your customers and ultimately provide better customer relations.

Scheduling builds a comprehensive history file that tracks each location's appointment history, including cancellations.  

Scheduling Features:

Tip:  Because you can tailor the features and the display of scheduling, your scheduling display may not match the documentation.  For more information, please contact NDS Technical Support.


To see directions for...


Scheduling Window - Field Details by Area

Scheduling Menu Bar

Contains menus for some of the programs used in Scheduling.

Side Panel

Note:  The Scheduling Side Panel makes up the left side of the Edifice Scheduling window when you open Scheduling.  The Side Panel contains the Scheduling Parameters Area.

Scheduling Parameters Area

Contains the parameters to determine how time slots are displayed in the Appointment Book Area.

Scheduling Window (Data Panel)

Note:  The Scheduling Window makes up the right side of the window, when you are in Scheduling.  The Data Panel contains two major sections described below - the Scheduling Toolbar and the Appointment Book Area.

Scheduling Toolbar

Contains the buttons to control the schedule display and to perform certain scheduling functions.

Appointment Book Area

Displays columns for each day, for each technician with the unreserved and reserved appointment time slots.

Other Windows for Scheduling

Note:  The following windows can be launched while in Scheduling and usually display on top of the main Scheduling Window.

Schedule Appointment Window

Books location appointments and maintains associated information about the appointments.

Appointment Detail Window

Displays the details of the specific appointment.

Appointment Cancel Window

Cancels an appointment.

Location Appointments Window

Displays all of the appointments for the location including current or canceled appointments.

Other File Maintenance