Standard Invoice Entry - Invoice Header Panel

Use the Invoice Header Panel to enter the summary information for the invoice including the vendor, invoice number, invoice date and total invoice amount.  The table following the window example describes the Invoice Header Panel for Standard Invoice Entry.

Tip:  For more information about working with data in fields, see the Data Entry Guidelines.


To display the Invoice Header Panel, open Standard Invoice Entry.


Invoice Header Panel of Invoice Entry Window Example:


Invoice Header Panel Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Batch Code

Enter the user-defined code for your batch, if applicable.  Or, if you do not use Batch Entry. press [TAB] to skip this field. (up to 5 characters)

Vendor Number

Enter the Vendor Number for this invoice. (6.0 numeric)


Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number for the invoice.  Or, press [Enter] to automatically assign an invoice number.


  • If you enter an invoice number, press [Enter] or click Retrieve to move to the Invoice Date for entry.

  • To look up any invoice transaction entered for this vendor, click Search.  Or, if you have not entered a vendor, you can search for all invoices currently in the invoice transaction file.

Entry Number

Displays the number assigned by the system to each invoice.  The entry number can not be edited.

To view all of the existing invoices, click Search.  From the Search list you can select the record to change or delete.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + r]

To complete your entries, click Retrieve  or press [ENTER].  The other invoice header fields will become active and you can begin entering.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + t]

Invoice Date

Enter the invoice date. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)

Invoice Amount

Enter the total amount of the invoice. (-8.2 numeric)

Note:  If the total has not yet been calculated because there are multiple lines for the invoice and you want to pull the total invoice amount when the detail has been entered, press [TAB] to skip this field.  Once the detail has been entered and total is calculated, which will appear at the bottom of the window as Balance, you can click Header to return to this field.  If you try to complete the invoice and the invoice Balance is not 0, a warning message displays to alert you that the Invoice Amount does not equal the total of all the detail line amounts.


Enter the description for this invoice, or press [TAB] to skip. (up to 30 characters)

Check Number

If this is a prepaid invoice, enter the check number for the payment already made.  If this is a reversal of an invoice (a negative prepaid), enter the check used for the reversal, for example, 999999. (8.0 numeric)


To accept the default invoice status, press [TAB].  Or, you can change the status to be:

  • R - Released, this invoice will be prepared in the A/P Check file if its due date falls on or before the due date entered during the Check Preparation routine.

  • H - Held, this invoice will not be prepared in the A/P Check file until it's status is changed to released.

  • P - Prepaid, the invoice will be prepared in the A/P Check file the next time the Check Preparation routine is run to post the invoice to the vendor and the account, but no check will print as the invoice has already been paid.

  • P - Prepaid, if this is a reversal (a negative prepaid).

W/H Taxes

Displays the vendor's W/H Taxes setting as a reminder to withhold taxes or not for the vendor.

When all header fields have been entered, to commit the header and move to the detail, click Save or press [ENTER].

Note:  If a purchase order is to be distributed for this invoice, press [TAB] to move to the PO Number field.  

Purchase Order Information

Note:  The purchase order fields are only active if there are open purchase orders for the vendor.

PO Number

Enter the purchase order number that this invoice is applied against. (up to 9 characters)

Purchase Order Detail

Displays the following purchase order information for your reference:

Complete/Partial Code

To specify that the purchase order will be completely invoiced, click C in the drop-down list.
To specify that the purchase order will be partially invoiced, click
P in the drop-down list.

When all header fields have been entered, to commit the header and move to the detail, click Save or press [ENTER].