Field Description - Invoice Status

The Invoice Status determines whether or not the invoice is eligible to be paid during the next Accounts Payable cycle or A/P checks run.  The Invoice Status and the Invoice Due Date work together to determine when the invoice is paid.  If the Invoice Status is set to H for Held, the invoice is not eligible to be paid.  If the Invoice Status is set to R for Released and the Invoice Due Date is within the specified due date range, the invoice is paid during the next Accounts Payable cycle.  If the Invoice Status is set to R for Released and the Invoice Due Date is not within the specified due date range, then the invoice will not be paid.

Entry Options:

Note:  The default Invoice status that displays during Invoice Entry is maintained during Company Control Options Maintenance.  You can change the default Invoice Status during Invoice Entry and later it can be changed during Hold/Release Single Invoices or during Hold/Release Invoices By Vendor.

Where-Maintained:  Standard Invoice Entry, Permanent Invoice Entry

Where-Used:  Invoicing routines, Accounts Payable routines

Format:  R or H, Predefined.  Required.