Field-Level Help
Field-Level Help quickly displays the specific WebHelp® topic for the field in which you are working. In some help systems, it is referred to as What's This? help or context-sensitive help.
To display Field-Level Help:
Click in the field you want help with.
[F2], the default function
key for Field-Level Help.
Right-click to see the Field-Level Shortcut Menu.
Note: To
see an example of Field-Level Help, click More.
Each time you display Field-Level Help, a new window opens.
To display
the WebHelp Navigation Pane for the Table
of Contents, Index,
and Search tabs, click
Show Table of Contents . You
will then have access to the entire WebHelp manual for the application
To close
the Help window, click Close , or use the keyboard shortcut
for your Internet browser.
Internet Explorer Example: [CTRL + w].
You can resize and reposition the Field-Level Help window, and some browsers will save the settings.
For information about other types of online Help, see Levels of Help.