Field Description - Payment Date

The Payment Date specifies the date the payment transaction is entered during Payment Entry.

Note:  The field values for Payment Date can be controlled by INSight's .NPARAM record.  If the .NPARAM record is set, the field value for Payment Date must fall within the range specified.  If the Payment Date does not fall within the specified range, the following error message displays on the Status Bar to alert you:

Where-Maintained:  Payment Entry - Batch Entry Window, Payment Entry - Work Window

Format:  Date (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)

Date Shortcuts

D, W,

M, or Y

Enters today's date.


Adds x days to today.


Adds x weeks to today.


Adds x months to today.


Adds x years to today.

Example:  To enter a date five years in the future, type 5Y.