Payment Entry - Batch Entry Window

Use the Batch Entry Window of Payment Entry to view and maintain default codes and information used when entering payment detail transactions.  Batch entries simplify entry of like payments and groups payments for reconciliation.  During Batch Entry you assign a Batch Number to payment transactions.  The Batch Number groups payments for reconciliation.  And, if INSight's Batch/Period Posting feature is active, charges and payments are grouped by a period code.  The table following the window example describes the Batch Entry Window for Payment Entry.


To open the Batch Entry Window:

  1. Enter the Patient Account Number in the Patient Reference Panel.

  2. Press [ENTER].

  3. Click Payment Entry in the Menu Tree.

  4. Advanced Methods:  To see additional methods for opening the Batch Entry Window, click More



Payment Entry - Batch Entry Window Example:


Payment Entry - Batch Entry Window Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Batch Sequence Number

Select the Payment Entry Batch Sequence Number that contains the parameters you want to use for this batch.  (0 - 9)

The Batch Sequence Number identifies a set of batch parameters, similar to a template.  The Work Window uses the settings and defaults defined here.  Each user can define up to ten sets of the batch parameters.  You can change and override the settings as required.


  • Store the batch settings for detail entry in Batch 0, then recall them later as you need them.

  • Store the batch settings for entering payments automatically in Batch 1.

    It is your choice how to set up the different batches.  Each user has their own set of Batch Sequence Numbers.

Note:  Batch Sequence Number 9 is reserved for applying unapplied credits.

Cash Application

(Payment Method)

Select the Payment Entry Cash Application option, which determines how payment transactions are applied to tickets during Payment Entry.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or click a choice in the drop-down list.


Batch #

The Batch Number groups the payment transactions together in a batch and is useful for sorting and selecting the specific batches on the journals.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or enter the number to track this group (batch) of payments. (up to 7 characters - XXX or yymmXXX)


Proof Amount

INSight uses the proof amount to confirm that the payment amounts entered for the transactions sum up to the proof amount. (7.2 numeric)

Entry Options:

  • Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number.

  • Or, enter the total dollar amount of payments to be entered.

  • Or, to turn off the proofing feature, enter 0 (zero).

Applied Amount

The Applied Amount displays the accumulated amount of the payments already applied.  You can see your progress compared to the Proof Amount.  (7.2 numeric)

Note:  The Applied Amount displays only if you entered a Proof Amount.

Clear Account On Commit

Specify if you want to clear the patient account information when you commit payment transactions.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or click one of the following options in the drop-down list.

  • Y(es) - Clear the Work Window and Account Number after you commit a transaction.

  • N(o) - Leave the current patient's information displayed in the Work Window after you commit a transaction.

Clear Reference on Commit

Specify if you want to clear the Payment Reference value when you commit payment transactions.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or click one of the following options in the drop-down list.

  • Y(es) - Clear the Reference value after you commit a transaction.

  • N(o) - Leave the current Reference value in the Work Window after you commit a transaction.

Force Allowed Amount

Specify if you want to prevent the calculation of the contractual adjustment amount.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or click one of the following options in the drop-down list.

  • Y(es) - Calculate the contractual adjustment.
    :  You must use the allowed amount.

  • N(o) - Do not calculate the contractual adjustment.


  • Option N(o) is convenient for entering payments from a secondary insurance.

  • This field is active only when you select the Cash Application for By Ticket (Auto Transfers & Adjustments by %).

Line by Line Profiling

Specify if you want to display tickets one at a time when paying multiple tickets using the profiling technique.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or click one of the following options in the drop-down list.

  • Y(es) - Display selected tickets one at a time when profiling.

  • N(o) - Display all selected tickets at once when profiling.

Tip:  This field is active only when you select the Cash Application for By Ticket (Auto Transfers & Adjustments by %).

Enter Descriptive Code

Specify if you can enter a Descriptive Transaction Code when entering transactions.  Descriptive transactions do not change the ticket balance and can be used for reporting purposes.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or click one of the following options in the drop-down list.

  • Y(es) - The Descriptive Transaction Code is active during Payment Entry.

  • N(o) - The Descriptive Transaction Code is not active during Payment Entry.

Tip:  This field is active only when you select the Cash Application for By Ticket (Auto Transfers & Adjustments by %).

Transfer Insurance

Specify if you want to automatically transfer the ticket balance from the primary insurance to the secondary insurance.  For example, if Medicare pays 80% of the balance, you can automatically transfer the remainder to AARP.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or click one of the following options in the drop-down list.

  • Y(es) - Automatically transfer the balance from the primary to the secondary insurance.

  • N(o) - Do not transfer the ticket balance.


Display Options

To control which tickets display in the Work Window Ticket List Section, press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or select one of the following:

  • To display all items for a patient, click Display All Items .

  • To display only unpaid items, click Display Open Items Only .

Display Service Dates:

To limit the list of charges you want to apply cash to during Payment Entry, you can enter a range of Charge Service Dates.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or enter the beginning date. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)


  • To specify a single date to apply cash to, enter the same date in the From and To fields.

  • To include all Service Dates, leave the From and To fields blank.


To limit the Service Date range you want to apply cash to during Payment Entry, press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or enter the ending date. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)

Group # To Display

To limit cash application to tickets associated with a specific provider group, press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or enter a Group Number (or Code). (2.0 numeric)


  • To include all groups, leave Group # to Display blank.  All displays for your reference.

  • If you enter a Group Code, the group name displays for your reference.

Insurance To Display

To limit cash application to tickets associated with a specific insurance, press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or enter an Insurance Code. (up to 5 characters)


  • To include all insurances, leave Insurance to Display blank.  All displays for your reference.

  • If you enter an Insurance Code, the insurance name displays for your reference.

Print Receipt

Specify if you want to see a prompt for printing a receipt when you commit payments.  Press [TAB] to accept the default for this Batch Sequence Number, or click one of the following options in the drop-down list.

  • Y(es) - Prompt to print a receipt after committing a payment.

  • N(o) - Do not print receipts.

To complete the Batch entries, close the Batch Window, and open the Work Window, click OK.

To close the Batch Entry Window, click Cancel.  You may exit Payment Entry or return to the Work Window, depending on your last action.

To apply the changes made to the Batch and leave the Batch Entry Window open, click Apply.

Other Payment Entry