Payment Entry - Transaction Detail Entry By Automatic Oldest First

Use the Payment Entry - Transaction Detail Entry by Automatic Oldest First method to apply cash or patient payments to patient Private Balances starting from the oldest Private Balance charge and working forward to the most recent charge until the payment amount is used completely.  The table following the window example describes the Transaction Detail Entry By Automatic Oldest First Area in the Work Window.

Also called:  Method 2

For additional information, click More.


To display the Transaction Detail Area for the Automatic by Oldest First method in the Work Window:

  1. Open Payment Entry:

  1. Enter the Patient Account Number.

  2. Press [ENTER].

  3. Click Payment Entry in the Menu Tree.

  1. If applicable, review the Batch Entry Window, and click Automatic Oldest First in the drop-down area of the Cash Application field.
    :  The Batch Entry Window automatically displays only the first time you open Payment Entry for the day.  However, you can reopen it manually from the Work Window, if needed.

  2. Click OK .

  3. Advanced Methods:  To see additional methods for opening the Work Window, click More


Payment Entry - Transaction Detail Entry By Automatic Oldest First Area Example:


Payment Entry - Transaction Detail By Automatic Oldest First Area Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Selection Section

Payment Date

To accept the system date displayed, press [TAB].  Or, enter the appropriate payment date for this group of payments. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)


Enter a Payment Reference for the payment transaction, if applicable. (up to 15 characters)

Sel. Charges Balance

Displays the total balance of the selected charges for tickets shown in the Ticket List Section.

Transaction Entry Section

Apply Cash to Tickets with Primary Insurance

To limit which tickets to pay (and which tickets appear in the Ticket List Section), specify the limiting criteria:

  1. Enter a specific Insurance Code assigned to the patient's tickets and where the Accept Assignment Option is No only.

    Or, enter P(rivate) to apply payments to patient responsible charges and to Accept Assignment No charges.

  2. Press [ENTER] to add the criteria to the list at the right.
    :  You can add multiple insurances and P(rivate) to the criteria.

  3. Click Refresh to update the Ticket List Section according to the criteria you specified.

Tip:  To clear the criteria so you can start over, press [CTRL + x].

All Patient Resp. Charges

To include all patient-responsible charges and all insurance charges having an Accept Assignment Option of N(o), click Y(es) in the drop-down list.

To include patient responsible charges only, click N(o) in the drop-down list.

Note:  INSight checks the Responsibility Code on each ticket.

Payment Code to be Used to Apply Cash

Displays the default value for the Transaction Code.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter the defined Transaction Code that corresponds to the type of payments you are entering. (up to 6 characters)

Note:  The default Private Payment Transaction Code displayed is controlled by the INSight .PARAM Record.

Total Cash to Apply

Enter the total cash amount you are applying. (7.2 numeric)

Note:  If the amount of cash applied exceeds the Selected Charges Balance, you will see the Unapplied Credits prompt.

To include family members in the Ticket List Section:

  1. Click Family so it appears highlighted.

  2. Click Refresh to update the Ticket List Section with the family members.

Tip:  The Patient Account Number appears in the Ticket List Section if there are charges for multiple family members.

To display patient tickets in the Patient Ticket Display Area that meet the Payment Entry criteria, click Refresh.

Keyboard shortcut:  [Alt + e]

Tip:  While Refresh is not required, you can click Refresh to preview which tickets are available to be paid.

To automatically apply the payment amount starting with the oldest patient tickets and moving forward to the most recent tickets until the payment amount is used, click Apply Cash.

Note:  If your cash payment exceeds the current outstanding account balance, INSight displays a message to alert you about entering unapplied credits.  For more information see the Payment Entry - Unapplied Credits Procedure.

Ticket List Section


The list of tickets is limited to tickets that match the criteria set in the Transaction Entry Section.

Click Refresh to update the Ticket List Section.

Tip:  Unapplied Credits appear highlighted.  The Ticket Number = 99 + Patient Account Number.

Patient Tickets

For each ticket associated with a charge, the fields listed below display:

Other Payment Entry