Payment Entry - Transaction Detail Entry By Ticket

Use the Transaction Detail Entry By Ticket area of Payment Entry to apply payments to a specific ticket or to multiple tickets.  Use this method for automatic transfers and adjustments by percentage.  The table following the window example describes the Transaction Detail Entry By Ticket Area for Payment Entry.

Also called:  Method 3, Auto Transfer and Adjustments by Percentage (%) Method

For additional information, click More.


To display the Transaction Detail Area for By Ticket method in the Work Window:

  1. Open Payment Entry:

  1. Enter the Patient Account Number.

  2. Press [ENTER].

  3. Click Payment Entry in the Menu Tree.

  1. If applicable, review the Batch Entry Window, and click By Ticket (Auto Transfers & Adjustments by %) in the drop-down area of the Cash Application field.
    :  The Batch Entry Window automatically displays only the first time you open Payment Entry for the day.  However, you can reopen it manually from the Work Window, if needed.

  2. Click OK .

  3. Advanced Methods:  To see additional methods for opening the Work Window, click More


Payment Entry Transaction Detail Area (with Ticket List) Example:


Payment Entry Transaction Detail Area (with Ticket Detail) Example:


Payment Entry - Transaction Detail Entry by Ticket Area Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Selection Section

Note:  Before clicking Add New Transactions to enter the data for an individual payment transaction, you must select a ticket in the Ticket List Section.

Payment Date

To accept the system date displayed, press [TAB].  Or, enter the appropriate payment date for this group of payments. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)

Tip:  The Payment Date can be edited on an individual payment basis.



Enter a Payment Reference for the payment transactions, if applicable. (up to 15 characters)

Tip:  The Payment Entry Clear Reference Option specified during Batch Entry determines if this value is cleared when you commit payments.

Line #

 - OR -

Click Line

To select the ticket you want to pay:

  • Enter the line number containing the ticket that you want to pay.

  • Or, in the Ticket List Section click to highlight the line containing the ticket that you want to pay.

  • Or, for use the following P(rofiling) technique to pay multiple tickets at once:

  1. Enter a Line Number followed by the letter P, for example 3P.  You will see the Line Number added to the list to the right of the Line Number field.

  2. Enter the next Line Number followed by P.

  3. Repeat as necessary to add up to eight line numbers to pay at once.


  • To display additional tickets for the patient use the right-side Scroll Bar.

  • To display the detail for a ticket, double-click the ticket line.

To reposition your selection:

  • Click the Up Arrow to select a ticket with a later date (lower in the list).

  • Or, click the Down Arrow to select a ticket with an earlier date (higher in the list).

  • Or, in the Ticket List Section click to highlight the line containing the ticket that you want to pay.

Approved Amount

Displays for your reference the Approved Amount that the insurer is willing to pay for the procedure, if applicable. (7.2 numeric)

Note:  The Approved Amount displays only when you display the Ticket Detail Section (described below).

To move focus to the Transaction Entry Section so you can enter payment data:

  • Select a ticket in the Ticket List Section, and then click Add New Transactions.
    Keyboard shortcut
    :  [ALT + n]

  • Or, simply double-click a ticket in the Ticket List Section.

Transaction Entry Section

Note:  You must select a ticket before entering data in this section.

Tip:  When you move focus to the Transaction Entry Section, the Ticket Detail Section replaces the Ticket List Section.


Displays the Insurance Code assigned to the charge.  Press [TAB] to accept or if another source provides the payment enter the Insurance Code. (up to 5 characters)


  • To search for the appropriate Insurance Code, click Search .
    Keyboard shortcut:  press [CTRL + f].

  • Displays the Insurance carrier's name for your reference.

Payment Code

To accept the default Payment Code assigned to this charge and insurance, press [TAB].  Or, enter the Transaction Code that corresponds to the type of payment or descriptive transaction you are entering. (up to 6 characters)


  • Transfer and contractual Adjustment Transaction Codes generally are not entered at this time.  See the Adjustments and Transfers Section below.

  • To search for the appropriate Transaction Code, click Search .
    Keyboard shortcut:  press [CTRL + f].

  • The default payment Transaction Code is maintained on the corresponding Form Type parameter record assigned to the specified insurance.

  • The Transaction Description for the Transaction Code displays for your reference.

Descriptive Code

Enter a Transaction Code with a Descriptive Transaction Type, if applicable.  Descriptive transactions do not affect the ticket balance and can be used for reporting purposes.  (up to 6 characters)


  • To search for a Transaction Code, click Search .
    Keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + f]

  • This field is active only if you specified Y(es) for Descriptive Code at the Batch Entry Window.

Ticket Balance

Displays the ticket balance for your reference.

Allowed Amount

Displays for your reference the Procedure's allowed payment amount for the Form Type you are billing.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Allowed Amount.  (7.2 numeric)

Tip:  The allowed amount usually is the amount on the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) form from the insurance company.


  • To display the Allowed Amount, you must use the P(rofiling) method for selecting the Line # (described above).

  • The Allowed Amount is set to the Total Allowed Amount, except when the Total Allowed is greater than the actual ticket balance.  In this case the Allowed Amount is set to the ticket balance to prevent you from getting paid more than you charged.

Total Allowed

Displays the calculated Total Allowed Amount for your reference.  


Enter the patient's deductible amount, if applicable. (6.2 numeric)

Payment Amount

Displays the calculated value for the amount of the payment transaction.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another payment amount. (7.2 numeric)


  • If the Transaction Type is D(escription), you do not need to enter an amount.

  • The payment amount can exceed the balance on the ticket.  In that case, the balance amount for the ticket will appear as a negative amount.  You can see the payment details in the Ticket Detail Section.

Contractual Adj.

Displays the calculated value for any contractual adjustment, if applicable.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another adjustment amount. (7.2 numeric)

To complete entering and to commit the payment transactions for this ticket after all associated detail lines have been entered, click OK or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + o]

Note:  For directions on committing payments, see the Payment Entry - Commit Payments Area.

To cancel all the associated payment transactions for this ticket, click Cancel Payments.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + c]

Adjustments and Transfers Section


Use the fields below to enter a non-contractual adjustment, such as a write-off or discount, or you can enter a transfer transaction to transfer the balance to another source.

The usual sequence of payment transactions consists of payments, descriptive transactions, adjustments or  transfers.

If you need to enter both a non-contractual adjustment and a transfer, use the By Detail Cash Application method instead.


To transfer the remaining balance to another insurance or to the patient, click Transfer in the drop-down list.  

Or, to enter a non-contractual adjustment if applicable, click Adjust in the drop-down list.

Note:  A non-contractual adjustment is a separate field and function from the contractual adjustment.

Remaining Amount

Displays the remaining balance to adjust off or transfer to another insurance, if applicable. (7.2 numeric)

Adjustment Code

To adjust off the remaining balance enter the appropriate adjustment Transaction Code. (up to 5 characters)

Note:  This field only pertains to non-contractual Adjustments.

To Insurance

Displays the default value for private insurance, if applicable.  To transfer the remaining balance to the patient, press [TAB] to accept.  Or, to transfer the remaining balance to another insurer, enter the Insurance Code. (up to 5 characters)

Note:  To Insurance only pertains to transfer transactions.

Ticket List Section

Note:  If you do not find the open charges in the Ticket List Section that you think there should be, click the Batch button and check your batch parameters.  Make sure you haven’t selected a specific date range, group or insurance that limits the display.  Verify your selections.

Line for Each Ticket

For each ticket associated with a charge the fields listed below display:

Ticket Display Functions


  • To highlight a ticket, click the appropriate ticket.

  • To display transaction details for a specific ticket, double-click the appropriate ticket.

  • To close the detailed display and redisplay the Ticket List, click Cancel Payments or press [CTRL + x].

  • To select a ticket to apply a payment transaction to, highlight the ticket and click Add New Transaction.

  • To display additional tickets for the patient use the right-side Scroll Bar.

Ticket Detail Section

Note:  To select the ticket and display the detail, double-click the line containing the ticket you want to pay, or click Add New Transactions in the Selection Section.


To return to the Ticket List, click Cancel Payments.

Unapplied Credits appear highlighted.  The Ticket Number = 99 + Patient Account Number.

Ticket Detail Line 1

For each ticket the fields listed below display.

Ticket Detail Line 2

For each ticket the fields listed below display.

Ticket Detail Line 3+

For each previous payment applied to the ticket the fields listed below display (in a separate line for each payment).

Other Payment Entry