Charge Entry - Work Window

Use the Charge Entry - Work Window to enter detail charge transactions for a patient.  The Work Window, which displays directly after the Batch Entry Window, contains several major data entry areas.  The table following the window example describes each area within the Work Window.



To display the Work Window, click OK at the Charge Entry - Batch Entry Window.


Charge Entry - Work Window Example:

Tip:  To see detailed instructions for each section or field name, the cursor becomes a hand when you position the cursor over the field or section.  Click once to display the associated topic.


Charge Entry - Work Window Details by Area


To see more information about an area, click the hyperlink for that area.

The Work Window displays after you complete the Batch Entry Window.  There are several areas for data entry in the Work Window.  To see more information about one of the areas listed below, click the hyperlink.

Patient Guarantor Area

Displays the patient's guarantor information, patient insurances and patient remarks for your reference.

Patient Balances Area

Displays patient balances for your reference.

Patient Diagnoses Area

Contains the diagnoses for this patient, which can be edited.

Batch Identifiers Area

Contains the default batch parameters, which can be edited.

Location & Provider Area

Contains the default values entered during Batch Entry, which can be edited.

Transaction Detail Area

Contains the fields for entering detail charge transactions for the patient.

Tip:  There are several sections within the Transaction Detail Area:

Commit Charges Area

Contains fields to complete the charge detail transactions and the command to apply a payment to the transactions.


Other Charge Entry