Charge Entry - Transaction Detail Area

Use the Transaction Detail Area in the Work Window to enter the details of the services provided to the patient including procedures, diagnoses, and fees.  The table following the window example describes how to enter charge transaction details in the Charge Entry Work Window.

The Transaction Detail Area contains four sections:

*Tip:  To commit a charge means to permanently enter the charge transaction, making it ready for posting.  You can edit or change uncommitted transactions.  However, to change committed transactions, you must use the Transaction Detail Inquiry.


To display the Transaction Detail Area in the Work Window, click OK at the Charge Entry - Batch Entry Window.


Charge Entry - Transaction Detail Area Example:


Charge Entry - Transaction Detail Area Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for that field.

Buttons Section

Referral Authorization

Displays the Patient Referral Authorization Number.

Tip:  This field displays only if...

  • The entered Encounter Number has an attached referral.

  • And, you specified Yes for the Pull Ref. Auth. Data option at the Batch Entry Window.

National Drug Code

Enter the Charge National Drug Code, if applicable.  (up to 15 characters).

Tip:  As you enter data in the Detail Line, tabbing will bring you to this field.

Diagnosis Description

Displays the Diagnosis Description when you enter a Diagnosis Code in the Detail Line. (up to 30 characters)

Procedure Description

Displays the Procedure Description for your convenience when you enter a Procedure Code in the Detail Line.  Press [TAB] to accept the procedure description displayed or enter another description, if applicable. (up to 40 characters)

Note:  To print a procedure narrative associated with the charge in box 19 of the HCFA claim form, backspace and enter the narrative as the procedure description.

Tip:  As you enter data in the Detail Line, tabbing will bring you to this field.

Detail Line Section


Enter the Insurance Code. (up to 5 characters, user-defined)

Entry Options:

  • Press [TAB] to enter the patient's first assigned Insurance Code.

  • Or, enter the patient's Insurance Code to bill for the service. (up to 5 characters)

  • Or, enter 1, 2, or 3 to bill the patient's assigned first, second or third Insurance Code for the charge.
     The insurance code assigned to the insurer displays for your reference.

  • Or, enter P (atient) to assign responsibility for payment of the charge to the patient.

  • Or, to end entering charges and display the Commit Charges Area, enter E.
    :  You can also end charges by clicking the End Charges button.


  • While the patient may have up to six insurances assigned to their account, insurances 4, 5 and 6 are informational only.  They are not used during the billing process.  Generally, insurances 4, 5 and 6 are reserved for insurances that had insured the patient, but are no longer active.  To bill a charge to an insurance in insurance 4, 5 or 6, first move the insurance to insurance 1, 2, or 3 in the Patient Entry - Assigned Insurances Area.

  • If the insurance plan coverage dates have not been reached or have expired, the following message displays on the Status Bar:

Tip:  The patient's assigned insurances display in the Patient Guarantor Area for your reference.


Enter the Insurance Accept Assignment Option.  (Y/N)

Entry Options:

  • Press [TAB] to accept the Insurance Code's default value for the Accept Assignment Option maintained during Insurance Maintenance.

  • Or, enter one of the following options:
    (es) to accept assignment
    (o) do not accept assignment.

  • Or, enter a Write-off Flag to appear with the Accept Assignment Option for the charge during Payment Entry and during Patient Inquiries:
     Write-off Flags are informational only.

  • X - bill insurance, then write-off all remaining balance

  • 1 - bill insurance, then write-off 10% of the balance

  • 2 - bill insurance, then write-off 20% of the remaining balance

  • 3 through 9 - bill insurance, then write-off 30 - 90%of the remaining balance

Note:  The Accept Assignment Option and the insurance's Responsibility Code work together to determine if a HCFA claim form and or a private statement prints for the charge being entered.  For more information, see How Insurance and Accept Assignment Determine Billing.

Service Date From


Service Date To

After tabbing through the A/A field, you can enter the From and To range for the Service Dates in the prompt. (mmddccyy - century and slashes optional)

Note:  The Charge Entry Preference Maintenance setting for the Service Date Line Entry Option controls if you are prompted to enter the range of service dates for each line in the Transaction Detail Entry Area.

Pop-Up Example:

Diagnosis 1

Enter the first Diagnosis Code. (up to 9 characters)

Entry Options:

  • Enter a Diagnosis Code.

  • Or, select a Diagnosis Code used for a previous (uncommitted) transaction from the drop-down list.

  • Or, enter 1, 2, or 3 to retrieve the patient's first, second or third diagnosis maintained during the Demographics Window of Patient Entry.
     This option is controlled by INSight's .PARAM record.


  • To search for the appropriate Diagnosis Code, click Search in the drop-down list.

  • To create a new Diagnosis Code, click New in the drop-down list.

  • To edit an existing Diagnosis Code, click Edit in the drop-down list.

Tip:  The Diagnosis Description displays for your reference.

Diagnosis 2

Enter the second Diagnosis Code, if applicable. (up to 9 characters)

Entry Options:

  • Enter a Diagnosis Code.

  • Or, select a Diagnosis Code used for a previous (uncommitted) transaction from the drop-down list.

  • Or, to complete the entry of diagnoses for this charge, press [TAB].

  • Or, enter 1, 2, or 3 to retrieve the patient's first, second or third diagnosis maintained during the Demographics Window of Patient Entry.
     This option is controlled by INSight's .PARAM record.


  • To search for the appropriate Diagnosis Code, click Search in the drop-down list.

  • To create a new Diagnosis Code, click New in the drop-down list.

  • To edit an existing Diagnosis Code, click Edit in the drop-down list.

Tip:  The Diagnosis Description displays for your reference.

Diagnosis 3

Enter the third Diagnosis Code, if applicable. (up to 9 characters)

Entry Options:

  • Enter a Diagnosis Code.

  • Or, select a Diagnosis Code used for a previous (uncommitted) transaction from the drop-down list.

  • Or, to complete the entry of diagnoses for this charge, press [TAB].

  • Or, enter 1, 2, or 3 to retrieve the patient's first, second or third diagnosis maintained during the Demographics Window of Patient Entry.
     This option is controlled by INSight's .PARAM record.


  • To search for the appropriate Diagnosis Code, click Search in the drop-down list.

  • To create a new Diagnosis Code, click New in the drop-down list.

  • To edit an existing Diagnosis Code, click Edit in the drop-down list.

Tip:  The Diagnosis Description displays for your reference.

Diagnosis 4

Enter the fourth Diagnosis Code, if applicable. (up to 9 characters)

Entry Options:

  • Enter a Diagnosis Code.

  • Or, select a Diagnosis Code used for a previous (uncommitted) transaction from the drop-down list.

  • Or, to complete the entry of diagnoses for this charge, press [TAB].

  • Or, enter 1, 2, or 3 to retrieve the patient's first, second or third diagnosis maintained during the Demographics Window of Patient Entry.
     This option is controlled by INSight's .PARAM record.


  • To search for the appropriate Diagnosis Code, click Search in the drop-down list.

  • To create a new Diagnosis Code, click New in the drop-down list.

  • To edit an existing Diagnosis Code, click Edit in the drop-down list.

Tip:  The Diagnosis Description displays for your reference.


Enter the Procedure ID associated with the service performed for this charge. (up to 9 characters)

Entry Options:

  • Enter a Procedure ID.

  • Or, enter an explosion procedure code to cover multiple procedures for a standard service. (up to 9 characters)

  • Or, select a Procedure ID used for a previous (uncommitted) transaction from the drop-down list.


  • You can only enter one Procedure ID per line (charge).

  • If you enter an explosion procedure code, the associated detail lines for the procedures are automatically created and display for your reference.

  • To search for the appropriate Procedure ID, click Search in the drop-down list.

  • To create a new Procedure ID, click New in the drop-down list.

  • To edit an existing Procedure ID, click Edit in the drop-down list.

Proc + Modifier

Displays the Procedure Form Type Print Code as the default value for the procedure Modifier.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter the modifier at the end of the Procedure ID. (up to 9 characters)

Note:  NDS recommends that you add the Procedure Modifier at the end of the Procedure ID.


Enter the Charge Entry Tracking Number for this charge, if you maintain tracking numbers. (up to 6 characters)


Displays the Procedure Standard Fee for this procedure or the Alternate Fee for the Insurance's Form Type if entered during Procedure Maintenance.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter a different fee. (7.2 numeric)


Displays the default value for the Procedure Type of Service Code assigned during Procedure Maintenance.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Type of Service Code.*(2.0 numeric)


  • Each procedure must be assigned a Type of Service or the charges will be rejected during the billing process.  

  • * NDS recommends only changing the procedure's Type of Service Codes during Procedure Maintenance.


Displays 1 as the default value for the Charge Number of Units.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter the Number of Units, if applicable. (2.1 numeric)

P. Total

For each charge in the Uncommitted Charges List, the Procedure Total displays the total for the individual charge, which is calculated by multiplying the UTS (Number of Units) by the procedure's fee amount.

In the detail line, the Procedure Total displays the total of all charges in the Uncommitted Charges List.

Note:  This field can not be edited.

To complete entering charges for this patient after all associated detail lines have been entered and to display the Commit Charges Area, click End Charges, or press [ENTER].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + e]

Tip:  You can also end charges by entering E in the Insurance field.

To delete an uncommitted charge, click to highlight the charge in the Uncommitted Charges List and then click Delete.

Keyboard shortcut:  [Alt + d]

Tip:  If a charge appears in the Existing Daily Charges List at the bottom of the window, then it has already been committed.  To delete a committed charge, use the Transaction Details Inquiry.

To complete the charge transaction detail line, click Add Line.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + a]

Tip:  You can add additional lines and you can change the provider, location, and service dates for the additional lines any time before clicking End Charges.

To change an uncommitted charge, highlight the charge in the Uncommitted Charges List.  Make the changes to the charge in the Detail Line.  To update the changes, click Change Line.  You will see the updated charge in the Uncommitted Charges List.


  • This button appears only if you move focus to the Uncommitted Charges List by clicking a charge in the list.

  • If a charge appears in the Existing Daily Charges List at the bottom of the window, then it has already been committed.  To change a committed charge, use the Transaction Details Inquiry.

Uncommitted Charges List

The list of uncommitted charges directly below the detail line contains the entered charges that have not yet been committed.


To change an uncommitted charge:

1. Click to highlight the charge.

2. Make the changes in the Detail Line fields.

3. Click Change Line.


To delete an uncommitted charge:

1. Click to highlight the charge.

2. 3. Click Delete Charge.

Existing Daily Charges List

The Existing Daily Charges section lists all of the committed charges that have not yet been posted.  This list is informational only and is displayed only if specified by the associated INSight PARAM 3 setting.

Other Charge Entry