Charge Entry - Commit Charges Area

Use the Commit Charges Area in the Work Window to complete the charges for the patient.  At this time, you can edit batch parameters pertaining to how the charge prints on the patient statements.  You have the option of applying payments and attaching referrals to the charge.  The table following the window example describes the Commit Charges Area in the Charge Entry Work Window.



To display the Commit Charges Area in the Work Window:

  1. Enter the patient's charges in the Transaction Detail Area.

  2. Click End Charges .

    :  The Commit Charges Area overlays the Buttons Section in the Transaction Detail Area.


Charge Entry - Commit Charges Area Example:


Charge Entry - Commit Charges Area Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for that field name.

Number of Encounters Pop-Up

If your installation is setup to track the number of encounters, you will see the following prompt before the Commit Charges Area displays.

# of Encounters

Enter the number of provider encounters associated with the charge, if applicable. (2.0 numeric)


  • Enter 0 if the encounter was not with a provider.

  • Do not confuse this field with the Encounter Number field.  The two fields have different meanings.

To continue, click OK.

Keyboard shortcut:  [Alt + o]

To cancel the commit phase of Charge Entry, click Cancel.

Keyboard shortcut:  [Alt + c]

Commit Charges Area


Your ability to change these fields depends on the settings in Charge Entry Preferences Maintenance.

Default values are displayed from the Batch Entry Window.  You can change the values if allowed by the settings in Charge Entry Preferences Maintenance.

Ordering Physician

Please leave blank.  This field is reserved for future use.


Displays the default value for the Message Code (also called the Remarks Code), which identifies the message to print with the charges on the patient's statement. (up to 5 characters)

  • To accept the default Message/Remarks Code, press [TAB].

  • Or, enter a Message/Remarks Code for the charges.
    :  To search for the appropriate Remarks Code, click Search .
    Keyboard shortcut
    :  [CTRL + f].

Hold To Date

Displays the default value for the Hold To Date, which is used to delay the billing of charges for the patient. (mmddccyy - century and slashes optional)

  • To accept the default Hold To Date, press [TAB].

  • Or, to print the charge on the next HCFA claim and the next patient statement, leave this field blank.

  • Or, to prevent the charge from printing on a HCFA claim form or a patient statement enter a Hold To Date, if applicable.  The charge will not print on claim forms or statements until after the entered date is past.

Apply Payment

Displays the default Charge Apply Payment option.  (Y/N)

Entry Options:

  • To accept the default option, press [TAB].

  • Or, to apply payments to the charges at the Quick Payment Entry Window, click Yes in the drop-down list.

  • Or, to skip entering payments to the charges, click No in the drop-down list.

Force Next Statement

Displays the default value for the Force Next Statement option, which controls when patient statements are printed.  (Y/N)

  • To accept the default value, press [TAB].

  • Or, to force a patient statement to print during the next statement run, click Yes in the drop-down list.

  • Or, to print a patient statement during the patient's regular statement cycle, click No in the drop-down list.

Prior Authorization

Enter the Charge Prior Authorization option.  (Y/N)

Entry Options:

  • To attach a referral authorization to the charge and to print an Authorization Number in box 23 of the HCFA claim form, click Yes in the drop-down list.  When you click Commit, Prior Authorization Maintenance opens.

  • To leave box 23 of the HCFA claim form blank, click No in the drop-down list.


  • If the charge is not associated with a referral, set this option to No.

  • For information about referral attachment directions, see Prior Authorization Maintenance and Adding a Referral to a Charge.

  • This field does not appear if the Referral Authorization is pulled in automatically.  Instead, the Referral Authorization Number appears (described below).

Referral Authorization

Displays the Patient Referral Authorization Number, if a referral authorization is automatically loaded into Charge Entry.


  • To see automatic referral authorization information:

  • The Batch Entry Pull Ref. Auth. Data option must be set to Yes.

  • And, the referral authorization must be attached to the Encounter Number.

  • If you do not automatically pull in the referral authorization information, the Prior Authorization option appears instead (described above).

Tip:  For more information, see Adding a Referral to a Charge.

To complete entering the charge, click Commit.

Keyboard shortcut:  [Alt + o]


  • When you click Commit, INSight updates the patient's account with the charge and the Work Window is cleared for entry of the next patient's charges.

  • If you specified Yes for the Apply Payment option, you will see the Quick Payment Entry Window.

  • If you specified Yes for the Prior Authorization option, you will see Prior Authorization Maintenance.

  • If you specified to automatically pull in referral authorization data, you will see the Referral Authorization Window.

To cancel the entered charges, click Cancel.  Focus returns to the Transaction Detail Area, where you can add, change, or delete charges.

Keyboard shortcut:  [Alt + c]

Other Charge Entry