Charge Entry - Referral Authorization Window

Use the Referral Authorization Window to confirm referrals that are automatically added to charges.  You need to attach a referral to a charge for billing purposes and to be able to print the referral authorization on the HCFA claim form.  The table following the window example describes the Referral Authorization Window for Charge Entry.

For additional information, click More.


To display the Referral Authorization Window, click Commit at the Charge Entry - Commit Charges Area in the Work Window.

Tip:  The Referral Authorization window does not display unless you are set up to automatically pull in the referral data.


Referral Authorization Window Example:


Charge Entry - Referral Authorization Window Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.


Displays the Patient Referral Authorization Status Code.  (1 character, predefined)


Displays the Referral Authorization Type Code.

Referring Provider

Displays the Provider Code for the referring provider.

Provider Referred

Displays the Provider Code for the Referred To provider.

Provider Ref. ID

Displays the Provider Form Type Print Code for the Referred To provider.

Group Referred

Displays the Group Code associated with the referral authorization.

Specialty Referred

Displays the Specialty Code associated with the referral authorization.

Authorized Visit Number

Displays the number of visits authorized for the referral.

Authorized Visit Amount

Displays the amount authorized for the referral.

Remaining Visit Number

Displays the number of visits remaining for the referral.

Note:  This amount is updated automatically if you specify Y(es) in the Update Automatically option.  If you specify N(o), you can manually change this value.

Remaining Visit Amount

Displays the amount remaining for the referral.

Note:  This amount is updated automatically if you specify Y(es) in the Update Automatically option.  If you specify N(o), you can manually change this value.

Update Automatically

Enter the option specifying if you want to automatically attach the referral to the charge.

Entry Options:

  • Y(es):  Updates the Number of Visits and Remaining Visit Amount automatically.

  • N(o):  Allows you to manually update the Number of Visits and Remaining Amount.

To update and close the window, click OK.

Note:  This updates prior authorization records, even if you specify N(o) for Update Automatically.

To close the window without updating, click OK.

Note:  If you skip referrals, prior authorization records are not updated.

To update and leave the window open, click Apply or press [ENTER].

Other Charge Entry