Charge Entry - Location & Provider Area

Use the Location & Provider Area in the Work Window to view and edit the location, providers, dates, and encounter information for the charge.  Although the defaults in this area are set during Batch Entry, generally you can edit them each time you enter a new charge, and you can edit them each time you enter a new patient.  The table following the window example describes the fields in the Location & Provider Area of the Charge Entry Work Window.


To display the Location & Provider Area in the Work Window, click OK at the Charge Entry - Batch Entry Window.


Charge Entry - Location & Provider Area Example:


Charge Entry - Location & Provider Area Prompts


To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for that field name.

Your ability to change these fields depends on the settings in Charge Entry Preferences Maintenance.

Default values are displayed from the Batch Entry Window.  You can change the values if allowed by the settings in Charge Entry Preferences Maintenance.

Service Location

Displays the default Location Code, which identifies the place where the service was performed.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Location Code. (up to 2 characters)


Rendering Provider

Displays the default Provider Code for the provider who directly rendered the service.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Provider Code. (up to 4 characters)


  • If Batch Entry specified P for the Rendering Provider, the default comes from Patient Entry.

  • The Provider Name displays for your reference.

  • To search for the appropriate Provider Code, click Search .
    Keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + f].

Supervising Provider

Displays the Provider Code for the provider who supervised the rendering provider.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Provider Code. (up to 4 characters)


  • If Batch Entry specified P for the Supervising Provider, the default comes from Patient Entry.

  • The Provider Name displays for your reference.

  • To search for the appropriate Provider Code, click Search .
    Keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + f].


Displays the default Referral Source Code, which identifies the physician or practice that is the source of the referral.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Referral Source Code. (up to 4 characters)


  • If Batch Entry specified P for the Referral, the default comes from Patient Entry.

  • To print referring provider information on HCFA claim forms or the electronic equivalent, enter a Referral Source Code.  The following prints:

  • Referral Source (referring provider's name) in box 17

  • Referral Form Type UPIN (the provider's UPIN) in box 17a

  • Mainecare may refer to the number that prints in box 17a as a referral.  The number that prints in box 17a is not the same as the referral information that prints in box 23.  They have two separate functions.

  • The Referral Source Name displays for your reference.

  • To search for the appropriate Referral Source Code, click Search .
    Keyboard shortcut:  [CTRL + f].

Service Date

Displays the default Charge Service Date, which is the date the service was performed (Date of Service).  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Service Date. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)

# Service Days

Leave blank.  This field is reserved for future use.


Displays the default Patient Cause Code, which identifies the origin of the patient's condition.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Cause Code. (up to 2 characters, predefined)

Common Cause Codes:

  • Blank:  Not Applicable.

  • A - Auto. Accident

  • E - Emergency

  • O - Other

  • P - Pregnancy

  • S - Surgery

  • W - Work related

Tip:  Although the above list includes suggested Cause Codes, you can enter any two-character value.

Cause Date

Displays the default Patient Cause Date, which is the date the patient's condition occurred.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Cause Date. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)

Admission Date

Displays the default Patient Admission Date, which is the date the patient was admitted to the hospital.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Admission Date. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)


  • For the OFFICE Batch Type, you can disable the Admission Date.  For directions, see Charge Entry Preferences Maintenance.

  • If the Admission Date is left blank during Batch Entry, the Patient Entry Admission Date displays as the default.

Note:  If you manually enter an Admission Date here, it is maintained with the ticket for the charge but does not update the patient Admission Date that is maintained during Patient Entry at the Balance Detail Window.

Discharge Date

Displays the default Patient Discharge Date.  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Discharge Date. (mmddccyy - slashes and century optional)


  • For the OFFICE Batch Type, you can disable the Discharge Date.  For directions, see Charge Entry Preferences Maintenance.

  • If the Discharge Date is left blank during Batch Entry, the Patient Entry Admission Date displays as the default.

Note:  If you manually enter a Discharge Date here, it is maintained with the ticket for the charge but does not update the patient Discharge Date that is maintained during Patient Entry at the Balance Detail Window.

Encounter #

Displays the default Encounter Number, which is the number assigned to the patient's Encounter Form (also called the superbill).  Press [TAB] to accept or enter another Encounter Number. (7.0 numeric)


  • The Encounter Number is controlled by INSight Encounter Form Parameter Maintenance and Charge Entry Preferences Maintenance.

  • You can set up the Encounter parameters so that entering the Encounter Number updates some of the field values in this area.

  • To automatically update referral information, tab out of the Encounter Number field, and then Charge Entry pulls in the Referral Source, Cause, Cause Date, and Insurance Code with the referral data.  For more information, see Adding a Charge to a Referral.

To finish entering the batch information in this area and move focus to the Charge Entry - Transaction Detail Area, click End Batch.

Other Charge Entry