Print Payroll Checks Instructions
Use Print Payroll Checks to print the employee paychecks. You can specify the beginning check number, the sort sequence, whether or not to print an alignment page, and other options.
Refer to the Payroll Runbook for timing information.
Several Company Control Options affect the following paycheck features:
Print Social Security Number.
Print Available and Sick Time.
Laser Check Format.
Print on 80 column Printer.
Print Hourly Rate on Stub.
Print Check Stub First.
Voided checks print for employees who have direct deposit for their net pay.
Regular checks print for employees who have direct deposit, but are still in the prenote period.
Checks do not print for prepaid checks, reversals, and other negative net pay checks.
For more information about running reports, see Print View.
To see directions for opening Print Payroll Checks, click More.
At the initial prompt window, choose the selections. To see the report prompt options, click More.
At the forms alignment prompt window, choose the selections. To see the alignment prompt options, click More.
To see the report sample, click More.