Build Direct Deposit File Instructions
Use the Build Direct Deposit File process to create a file for transmission to the appropriate financial institution. The file contains non-zero direct deposits and all prenotes. This process also provides an option to print the Direct Deposit File Report, which lists the amount of the direct deposit for each employee. This routine updates the Direct Deposit Build Date. You can run this process more than once, if necessary.
This process prints the following reports:
Type 1: The Build Transmission File Report lists the completion messages.
2: The Direct Deposit File Report lists the direct deposit amounts
for each employee.
Tip: Retain the
Direct Deposit File Report for a complete audit trail.
You must first run the build (Type 1), and then run the Direct Deposit File Report (Type 2). For timing guidelines, refer to the Payroll Runbook.
If the Direct Deposit Transaction Code is a Send Code and the Prenote Date is less than ten days prior to the Direct Deposit Effective Date, then an error message will print on the Build Transmission File Report.
If the Direct Deposit Transaction Code is a Prenote Code, a prenote record is written to the direct deposit file with a zero amount. After the file is transmitted, the Prenote Date is updated for each affected employee.
For more information, refer to the topic, Advanced Feature - Setting Up Direct Deposit.
For more information about running reports, see Print View.
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