Advanced Feature - Setting Up Direct Deposit

This topic describes which programs to use for setting up direct deposit for an employee and for setting up the direct deposit control records for the bank.  It also lists the programs required to export the direct deposit information in preparation for transmission to the bank.

General Flow:

1.  Set up the tables used by direct deposit that contain the deposit codes, lead times, and bank definitions.

2.  Set up each employee's permanent direct deposit information.

3.  Set up the control records for the export file, a one-time task.

4.  During the Payroll Run, run the programs that process the prenote information and build the data for export.



Table Setup:

Use the following programs to set up the tables for direct deposit.


Employee Setup

There are 2 ways to set up employees for direct deposit, which are outlined below.  You can:

Set up for Employees having the Paycheck Net Amount Direct Deposited to 1 Account

Set up for Employees having Portions of their Pay Deposited to Different Accounts

This setup is a bit more involved.  An employee can have portions of the paycheck deposited to multiple accounts, or they can have just a portion direct deposited.  To do this, in addition to setting up the bank tables, you will create Deduction Masters for each bank used for employee direct deposits.  You will also add a scheduled deduction to the employee for each portion of their check that will be direct deposited.  

1.  Create a Deduction Master for each Bank.  Do this in the same manner as you would for any other deduction with the exception of the following fields.

a.  Deduction Type:  Select Deduction Type 6 - Direct Deposit.

b.  ABA Number:  Enter the bank's routing or ABA number.


2.  Add the Deduction to the Employee.

a.  Load the employee and then select Scheduled Deds Master from the Employee Menu.

b.  Set the following fields


Bank Control Records Setup:

Normally, you only have to set up the bank control records one time.


Payroll Run Steps:

Tip:  For information about the timing of the following programs within the Payroll Run, refer to the Payroll Runbook.

1.  Update Prenote Codes:  Changes employee Prenote Codes to Send Codes when the Prenote Date is reached.

2.  Build Direct Deposit File:  Captures the direct deposit amounts for each employee.

3.  Export Direct Deposit File:  Creates the export file for the bank, in preparation for the actual transmission.

4.  Update Prenote Dates:  Updates the employee Prenote Dates to start the mandatory waiting period (a minimum of 10 days) for any employee starting direct deposit.

5.  Transmit the export file to the bank using the agreed-upon method.


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