Update Prenote Dates
The Update Prenote Dates process enters the employee Prenote Date for any employee starting direct deposit; this begins the mandatory ten-day waiting period. For employees still in the prenote period, the program updates the transmission date in the employee deduction bank record (for net pay) and in the employee scheduled deduction records (for direct deposit deductions).
This routine is applicable only if you are using direct deposit.
The program alerts you if you attempt to run Update Prenote Dates before running Export Direct Deposit File. For more information about timing, refer to the Payroll Runbook.
The program alerts you if you attempt to run Update Prenote Dates more than once. You can bypass the message if your intention is to rerun the update process.
The routine updates the Direct Deposit Transmitted Date.
For more information, refer to the topic, Advanced Feature - Setting Up Direct Deposit.
For more information about working with data in fields, see Data Entry Guidelines.