Create Customer Location Step 5 Window

Use the Create Customer Location Step 5 Window to enter owner information for the location.  



To display the Create Customer Location Step 5 window in the Data Entry Panel:

1.  Click the Wizard Control Menu.

2.  Click Create.

3.  Click Customer.

4.  To navigate to the step that you want to maintain:


Create Customer Location Step 5 Data Entry Panel Example:


Data Entry Panel - Create Customer Location Step 5 Prompts

Tip:  To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name.

Owner ID

To accept the displayed Customer ID as the Owner ID, press [TAB].  Or, enter another Customer ID for the Owner ID. (up to 12 characters)



  • An Owner ID must be assigned to each location, even if a tenant or other third-party (Executor of estate) is financially responsible for the location.  The location's Billing ID determines the person or party to bill for the service at the location.

  • To search for a Customer ID to assign as the Owner ID, click Search or press [CTRL + f].

  • To create a new Customer ID to assign as the Owner ID, click Wizard or press [CTRL + w].

To complete the entries and continue to the next window, click Next.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + n]

For directions to the next step, click here.

To return to the previous window for re-entry, click Back.

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + b]

For directions to the previous window, click here.

To complete the customer location entries and continue to the service connection entries, click Finish or press [Enter].

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + s]

Tip:  For directions to the Create Customer Service Connection Step 1 Window, click here.

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