Enhanced Inquiry - BUSA Reporting View

The EDIFICE BUSA Reporting view is a powerful reporting tool that allows you to create custom reports for quickly generating information.  Building a report is flexible and offers many features that allow you to hone in on the information that you want.  You can report on any EDIFICE table and field and tables can easily be joined so that customer, location and device infrastructure can be reported.  Data can be filtered, sorted and organized to suit your purposes.  There are also aggregate functions such as count, sum and average.  Advanced functions include the ability to create substrings of data fields and concatenate fields.  

Reports and their settings can be saved.  Saved reports can be viewed from the BUSA Reporting view and the Executive Reporting view, where they can be scheduled to run at a certain time or on a regular basis.  Customer letters and email blasts can be generated using report data.  In addition, report data can be printed and exported to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word or saved as a PDF.

Certain information in the reports is interactive.  Clicking a link in the report will display the related data for the customer, account, location or device in the Enhanced Inquiry views that are open.  Additionally, information in user definable fields in reports can be updated.

Use these instructions to:


Note:  The BUSA Reporting view is only available in EDIFICE'S Enhanced Inquiry.  To activate this feature, please contact NDS Support at 1-800-649-7754.



From the EDIFICE Inquiry, click Tools and then click BUSA Reporting View.  

EDIFICE Inquiry - BUSA Reporting View Example:


EDIFICE Inquiry - BUSA Report View Build a Report Prompts


You can choose any EDIFICE data to include on the report.  Joins will automatically be detected when fields from new tables are added.  You can arrange the fields in the desired order, add filters to limit information on the report, as well as, group and sort information.

To create a report from an existing report, click Copy .  Or, to start a fresh report, click Clear .

Enter General Query Settings

Choose a Category

Select an optional category under which to group a report.  The category displays in the BUSA Reporting  search and in the Executive Reporting screen.

To create or edit a category, click Edit .  The following screen displays:

To create a category, click New.  Enter the title and click Save.  To edit a category, click Search.  Select the title from the list, edit it and click Save.


Enter the report title, which also serves as a description.  Required


Top is the maximum number of items to return for the report and defaults to 500, but this can be changed.  To remove the limit, enter 0.

Example:  To report the topi 10 customer balances or usage, enter 10 here.

Other Settings

Other options:

Transform query into a table view

  • Transform query into a table view - To create a virtual table from the query, check this box.  The report will display in the table list under the custom views section and can be used in other queries.  

  • Static snapshot - This works with Transform query into a table view option to save a snapshot of the data so that it can be used each time the report is run.  
    Example:  Use to create a list of the top ten customers for last year.

  • Refresh/Replace Static Snapshot -

Grouping - Choices are:  Normal grouping shows all fields.  Grouping/Aggregates Only shows only aggregate fields and the fields in the group by area.
Non-Grouped Only - only includes non-aggregate fields and will not perform grouping.

Shared - to allow the query to be viewed and shared with other users, check this box.  Note:  Only shared reports are available in Executive Reporting.

Locked - To only allow reporting and to prevent editing of the report, check this box.

Select Report Information

Check any EDIFICE data from the Table/Field List.  Only tables with data in them display in the list (or, you can right-click and select Show All Tables).  Many tables and fields have friendly descriptions rather than the database table name.

Commonly used tables and fields are listed as favorites as indicated by yellow star .  To add a table as a favorite, click Star by the desired table or field.  To toggle between showing only favorite (starred) tables/fields and showing all tables/fields, click Star at the top.  The right-click Show and Hide Hidden Tables/Fields allows hiding of tables and fields that are rarely used and works separately from the star feature.  These settings are saved per user.  

There are other right-click options for managing the list.  There is also an option for finding other reports that use the selected table.



Select Tables and Fields

To start a report, double-click the desired table in the list.  This adds the table's fields to the Result Fields area.  

Or, to add fields to the report, double-click or drag the field name to the Result Fields area.  To remove a field from the query, drag the field out of the Result Fields area.  The icon next to each field identifies its data type, which can be alpha, numeric, date/time or a function/expression.  There are some built-in fields such as formatted customer names and phone numbers.  

If you add other tables or fields from other tables to the report, join relationships will automatically be added and, if certain fields such as customer IDs are already in the report, they are skipped.

Tip:  To search for tables or fields, enter the name in the Table/Field Search box.

Filter and Organize Report Information

Result Fields Panel

The Result Fields panel lists the fields that were selected for the report.  Each field shows its name, table name, data type icon, aggregate function and sort information.  The order in which the fields are listed is the order that they will appear in the report.  To re-arrange this order, drag the fields to the desired position.  These fields can be used to filter and group the data as well.

Tip:  Filtering, grouping and sorting can also be done from the grid once the report is run.



Use field options to create simple calculations, assign sort information and to create substrings to extract information from a portion of a field.  


  • Distinct works in certain situations such as when using Count to count the distinct values for that field, or on the very first field to aapply it to the whole report.  

  • Aliases can be assigned to fields giving them a different name.  This can be helpful in custom views.

  • Use add/subtract days to date option to add or subtract a number of days from a date field and then, compare it to another value.

Report Sort

You can choose multiple fields by which the report will be sorted.  An arrow indicating ascending or descending and a number indicating its order relative to other sorted fields will display as seen in this example.  

To assign the sort order, press [Shift + Click] on the desired field or, click a choice here.  Press [Shift + Click] to toggle between ascending and descending order.



To perform a calculation on a field, select an aggregate choice.  Use maximum to compare values to find the highest ones and use minimum to find the lowest values.



To extract information from a portion of a field, select the start position and end position within the field.  Substrings can be filtered and grouped.
Example:  Use this to report on a portion of the customer ID, location ID, transaction code or problem/task code.  


Use filters to limit the information to report.  Multiple filters can be added.  Filters can also be used to compare 1 field to another field.

Multiple Filters Example with AND as the condition:

To create a filter:

1.  Drag the field to be filtered to the Filters area.  

2.  To set the operator, click the blue text between the field and the value to see the choices.  Then, select the desired choice.  Operator choices change based on the type of field that is being filtered.  
Tip:  In or Not In will show date choices or a list of items to choose.

3.  Enter a value or select choices from the drop-down list to compare with the filter field.  How the value is compared is determined by the operator.  Tip:  Use % (percent) as an inner wild card for the value.  

4.  If multiple fields are being filtered, choose And or Or to specify whether information is included or excluded.  This will construct AND or Or conditions.

5.  To compare a filter field with another field, drag the desired field to the comparison value field.


After setting a result field to sum or count, it can then be dragged to the Filter area to filter on the aggregate.  To copy a filter, click Copy .  To remove a filter, press Delete or click Remove .


Use this area to organize the report.

Note:  If this area is not visible, use the scroll bar to move to this area.

To organize information by a specific fields such as customer ID, drag the fields to the grouping area.  When using agregate functions such as sum, count, etc., if other non-aggregate result fields are present, than they must be grouped by a field here.  To remove a group, click to highlight the group and then, press [Delete].

Run Query

To run the report, press [Ctrl + Enter] or, click Run Query.  The report displays in the Results tab

Advanced Functions

Joining Tables

Join allows data to be gathered from more than 1 table using a common field between the tables.  The Join area is hidden as join relationships are automatically added as an Inner Join (vs Left/Right joins).  The first result field/table added to the query is considered the main from table.  Use the drop-down list to change this.

You may need to change the join if you want to see the tenant associated with a location, for example.  Location has two customer joins:  Owner and Tenant and by default owner is selected.  To change this to tenant, click the Owner ID field and then, select tenant.  Or, drag the Tenant ID field from the Table/Field list or Result Fields area to the Join area and remove the Owner ID join.  

The join condition can be changed by clicking equal to and selecting another condition operator.

To complete the joins changes and regenerate using the current Result Fields, click Reset Joins.

Custom Field

To write a custom expression as its own field in the table, right-click a table in the list and select Add Custom Field.  Or, to edit a custom field, select Edit Custom Field.  

Fields should be properly escaped with the table name.  Once created they will display in the Table/Field list.  They are stored in the database table query_fields.




Running BUSA Reports

Reports can be run as you are creating them.  In addition, saved reports can be run here, and if they are shared reports they can be run from the Executive Reporting view where they show in the Reports list.


Viewing Reports Prompts


Running a Saved Report

To run a saved report from the Build BUSA Report view:

1.  Click Search .  From the search list, click the desired name.
Tip:  To find reports that contain a specific table or field, right-click the desired table or field in the Table list and select Find Reports that contain this table.

2.  Change filters, if needed.

3.  Press [Ctrl + Enter] to run the report.  The Results tab opens with the report data displaying in the grid.



  • To cancel a report that is running, click X next to In Progress .

  • If you change filters for a saved report and wish to reset the filters back to the saved version, click Clear.


Build BUSA Report View Report Example:


Organize Report Grid

The query settings and filters display in the Build Query tab.  You can change the filter conditions, as well as, add filters, sorts and groupings to the data after the report is generated.  You can use the grid setting to remove or add any columns that display in the grid.  Column order can be changed by dragging the column header to the desired location.

Some fields have links to additional information in a related view.  For example, customer IDs, location IDs, device IDs, invoice numbers, connection IDs and work order IDs generally have links.  Click a link to load the associated account or device to the Enhanced Inquiry views that are open.  

Tip:  To check and uncheck a row or rows, highlight the desired rows and press [Space bar].

Sort List

To change or add a new sort to the grid, click the desired column heading.  To sort in descending order, click the column heading a second time.  

Tip:  To remove a sort on a column, press [Shift + click].


To limit the data in the grid to those that meet certain criteria, click Filter next to the desired column heading.  The available filter choices display.  Here is an example of street name filters.



Click to check the desired box or boxes and then, click OK.


  • Advanced filtering options are available by clicking Text Filters.

  • If you change filters for a saved report and wish to reset the filters back to the saved version, click Clear.

Printing & Exporting Functions

The report grid offers right-click options for printing, exporting and saving the report information.  These functions can be handy for further manipulating or formatting the data or sending copies to coworkers.


Grid Printing & Exporting right-click options:

  • To begin printing the BUSA report, click Print or to view it to the Print Preview window, click Print Preview.

  • To create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from the report, click Save as Excel.  

  • To create a PDF document of the report, click Save as PDF.

  • To create a Microsoft Word document from the report, click Save as Word.

Update User Definable Fields

You can change information in user definable fields in the report.  For example, if you are maintaining statuses in a user definable field you can change the status.

To update a user definable field:

1.  Check the box in the rows to be updated.

2.  Right-click the column heading for the user definable field and select Update Field .

3.  The following screen displays:


4.  Enter the new value for the field.

5.  Click Save to complete the entry.

6.  At the save prompt, click Yes to continue.



7.  The updated value displays in the selected rows.



Creating Customer Letters from a BUSA Report

You can create customer letters using the data from a BUSA report.  In order to create customer letters, the report must include a customer ID and as an option you can include a location ID for tracking purposes.

Customer letters are recorded in the Documents view when they are printed.  Viewing a customer letter will not create a letter in the Documents view.

Note:  The customer letter requires a job with function type xmlCustomerLetter and a job file set up to your organization's specifications.  Please note that the xmlCustomerLetter used here is not the same as the individual xmlCustomerLetter although it has similar data fields.


To create customer letters:

1.  From the BUSA Reporting view, run the BUSA report to generate data for the letters.

2.  Check the box for each row in the report to receive a letter.

3.  Click Report Processes --> Customer Letters --> Print .

4.  If there are multiple letter jobs select the print job for the letter you are trying to print.

5.  The letters print.  After they are printed, they can be viewed from the Documents view.



Using BUSA Reporting Email

The email function in the BUSA Reporting view allows you to send email blasts to a group of selected email addresses.  Just like with the other EDIFICE email options you will build an email configuration and a default email template to activate email.

There are only a few data fields that can be inserted when the detault tempate is being built.  However, when you send emails from a BUSA report you can add any field from the report to the email template.  The BUSA report from which emails are being sent needs to include the customer ID field and an email address that can be either the customer web email field or another email address field.  This allows you to send emails to third parties such as lawyers, banks or custodians.  If you want the location recorded in the email history on the Timeline view, then you need to include the location ID as well.


To send BUSA emails:

1.  Open the BUSA Reporting view and run the desired report.

2.  Check the box for each row in the grid for which to send emails.  Each selected row must have a valid email address.
Note:  If you want to use an email address that is in another field such as a user definable field, the field must be moved to the left most column in the grid and the column name must be Email (case sensitive).  Otherwise, the customer_web.email address is used.

3.  Click Report Processes --> Send Emails.  The BUSA template editor opens.
Note:  Messages will alert you if an email address has already received an email within the last week or, if there are over 100 emails being sent in this email process.  These messages do not prevent you from continuing.


BUSA Send Emails window example:


BUSA Send Email Prompts


Choose an email template from the list.

Or, click New to create a new template.  Multiple templates can be maintained.  If you are creating a new template follow the Create Email Template instructions.


The email addresses for the rows selected display.  You can remove any Send To addresses as needed.


If a subject was entered, you can edit it.  If there is no text in the subject line, enter one or leave it blank.

Body of Email

To build the body of the email:

Note:  The HTML code can be edited directly in the editor by clicking HTML .


1.  The text in the body of the email can be edited and added to as well.  To add text begin typing or paste text that was copied.  Use the Formatting toolbar shown below to format the email to suit your needs.

Send Email Toolbar


2.  The list on the right displays the data fields that you can include in the email.  When emails are generated, the inserted fields will fill with the report data.  To insert a field in your email, double-click the name in the list.  The field is added at the cursor, but can be moved.  

3.  To insert an image, click Picture and then click Browse to select the desired image.  The image is inserted at the cursor, but can be moved as needed.

4.  To insert a hyperlink, click Hyperlink .  Enter the hyperlink text to display in the document and enter the URL for the link.  Then, click Insert Link.

5.  To add an attachment to include with the email, click Add Attachment .  From the Select a File to Attach screen, browse to find the desired attachment.  Then, click Open.  
Tip:  After an attachment is added, the number of attachments displays with the Add Attachment button .


To save the email for use again, click Save.

To send the email, click Send Email.  The following prompt displays:


After confirming, click Yes to continue or to cancel, click No.  When the send completes, the message Success! displays.  Click OK to close the prompt.