Shut Off Generate Transactions

Use the Shut Off Generate Transactions routine to create shut off charge transactions for customers who have been pulled into the Shut Off Notice workfile.  You can use this routine if you want to assess customers any fees that are associated with the processing of the shut off notices.  Later when you perform the Shut Off Post, the Customer accounts and the other appropriate files are updated to reflect the assessed shut off charges.



To open:

1.  Click Processes from the Menu.

2.  Click Shut Off.

3.  Click Generate Transactions.

Or, use the keyboard shortcut:  [ALT] [p] [s] [g].

Shut Off Generate Transactions Window Example:


Shut Off Generate Transactions Prompts

To start the Generate Transactions routine, click Proceed
Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + p]

Or, to escape without generating past due transactions, click Cancel .

Server Process Status

Displays information pertaining to the various phases of the process to guide you.

 Important:  The status displays Complete when the process is ended.  In addition, the Message window displays Process Ended and 100% to alert you when the routine is complete.

To close the Generate Transactions routine when the routine is complete, click Close .

Keyboard shortcut:  [ALT + d]

 Important:  The status displays Complete when the process is ended.  In addition, the Message window displays Process Ended and 100% to alert you when the routine is complete.


Other Processes