Tax Receipt Entry - Printer Area
The table following the window example describes the fields in the Printer Area for Tax Receipt Entry.
Entry-Mode Navigation Tips:
To activate
the Printer Area, press [ENTER]
while in the Payment Area.
Note: If
the Tax System Company
Control Option for the Print Tax
Receipt Default parameter is (Y)es,
focus moves from the Payment Area to the Printer Area. If
Print Tax Receipt Default is
(N)o, the Printer Area is skipped, the window is cleared and
focus moves to the Account
Number Area, where you can start the next Tax Receipt.
the Tax Receipt is complete by the time focus moves to this area, you
cannot return to a previous area.
Tip: If
you need to make changes to the Tax Receipt, click the Tx
Search button in the Account Number Area to retrieve the Tax Receipt
for editing (before posting).
After you click Print Receipt, the window clears and focus moves to the Account Number Area, where you can start the next Tax Receipt.
Printer Area Prompts Tip: To see more information about a field, click the hyperlink for the field name. |
Printer |
Displays the default printer number. For more information, see Printing Options. Note: To change the default Printer Number assigned to a User Number, refer to Printer Number Maintenance. |
Displays the Receipt Number. | |
Click Print Receipt to print the Tax Receipt. Note: Alternative methods to print a Tax Receipt:
Note: The format of the receipt is controlled by the Tax System Company Control Option for Cash Receipts Form Type. |
To print the check endorsement, click Endorse Check(s) or press [ENTER] if the button is in focus. Note: To print an endorsement, the Tax System Company Control Option for Cash Receipts Form Type must be set to 2 - Custom. This button is not visible for the 1 - Standard setting. |