Transit Plate Registration Wizard
Use the Transit Plate Registration Wizard to create and issue temporary paper transit plates, providing temporary registration for the purpose of moving to specified destinations certain vehicles that are otherwise required to be registered. For a $12 fee, one permit per vehicle may be issued for a one-time move from point A to point B only. For a $25 fee, one permit per vehicle may be issued for a one-time move from point A to point B and then return to point A (round-trip), including any intermediate points specified in the permit. Transit plates are only valid for ten days, which means the expiration date should be ten days from the effective date.
You must assign a Transit Plate class code, such as, TP1 or TP2.
Transit plates can be processed by towns who have an 1(B) authorization level.
You can only issue one transit plate permit, either a one-way permit or round-trip permit to a motor vehicle or trailer. Any subsequent moves require registration of the vehicle or trailer. Exception: If a one-way permit is purchased and then the customer wishes to move the vehicle round-trip, you can issue a subsequent transit plate for the return trip.
For general information about using wizards, see the Wizard - Introduction.
To see directions for...
Opening the Transit Plate Registration Wizard, click More.
Creating a New Transit Plate Permit, click More.
Editing an Existing Transit Plate Permit, click More.
Deleting an Existing Transit Plate Permit, click More.
Understanding the field values for the following panels, click the panel name in the table below:
Field Details by Panel |
The upper left panel lists each step that you can maintain. Each step corresponds to a specific group of fields displayed in the Data Entry Panel. |
The lower left panel provides tips and notes for entering the data. |
The center panel displays the fields for you to maintain and contains different fields for each step. Tip: The step currently displayed in the Data Entry Panel is highlighted in the Steps Panel. Steps: 1. Enter Vehicle Identification Step 2. Enter Vehicle Information Step 3. Enter Owner/Legal Residence Information Step 4. Enter Secondary/Tertiary Owner Information Step 5. Enter the Registration Information Step 6. Enter the Registration Fee Step |
The right panel displays the data you have entered so far for each step. |